Page 65 of Protecting Lindsay

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Saturday morning justbefore noon, Lindsay finally joined Lilly at their booth on the town square. Blake was with her and Lilly’s gaze immediately went to their clasped hands.

“You two look happy.” She smiled.

Lindsay held up her left hand. It took Lilly a beat to notice the ring, but the next moment, her shriek could be heard all over town.

“Ooooh! I knew it! Congratulations, you two—I just don’t know why it took you so long.”

“I’ve just heard!” someone called.

She and Blake looked at each other. “Eleanor,” they said in unison, and Blake laughed. They’d been wondering how long it was going to take before Eleanor knew about their engagement.

“Lindsay, Blake!” Eleanor laughed as she arrived, out of breath. She embraced both of them. “I’ve just finished speaking to Charlie and she told me the whole story.” She looked over her shoulder to where Brooke was standing at her own booth. “Brooke! Come here—such great news!”

Smiling, Brooke joined them with Connor right behind her. “What’s all the excitement about?”

“They’re engaged!” Eleanor exclaimed. “Charlie has just told me how Blake got up in front of all the people in the plane, went down on his knee, and proposed to our Lindsay here. And look at the beautiful ring. Did you ask Lindsay what she liked?” she asked Blake.

“There wasn’t time.” Blake grinned. “I messed up with round one, so when I knew I had another chance, I also knew I had to go all out.”

“Well, you did good.” Eleanor sighed.

“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” Lindsay smiled.

Brooke touched it with a finger. “Oh, Lindsay, I’m so, so happy for you.”

“Don’t you think it’s time you get yourself another one of those?” Eleanor asked her daughter.

Brooke groaned. “Seriously, Mother. Focus on these two, please?”

“Is that why Blake keeps kissing Lindsay?” Connor asked, and everyone laughed.

Blake kneeled in front of the boy. “It is. One day you’ll find someone you want to kiss all the time, as well.”

“Yuck, not me,” Connor declared quickly. “Mom, can I go and play?”

“May I.” Brooked chuckled. “Of course.” She turned to Blake and Lindsay as Connor skipped away. “So what are your plans?”

Lindsay looked up at Blake. They’d arrived back quite late last night and by that time, Blake looked very pale. He wouldn’t hear of sleeping without her and only agreed to get into bed if she would join him. And then she’d made a new discovery about her fiancé—no bullet was going to keep him from making love to her again. So they hadn’t really talked about any future plans yet.

“We’re still enjoying just being engaged. There’s plenty of time for plans.” Blake smiled before he bent down and kissed her. “I’m going to get my stuff at home. I’ll see you later.”

A little taken aback, Lindsay stared after him. Could it be he was having second thoughts?
