Page 66 of Protecting Lindsay

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“Oh, Lindsay, you’re here, I’m so glad!” Lindsay turned around to see Suzie Stevens making her way through the throng of people towards Lindsay’s booth, her hand clutching the arm of the woman who was next to her.

“This is my sister, Mabel,” Suzie said, out of breath when she reached the booth. “Her husband is having the same problem,” she whispered loudly.

“Well then, you’ve come to the right place.” Lindsay smiled.

But Eleanor wasn’t quite finished yet. “You know, a Christmas wedding is very special.”

Brooke rolled her eyes and grabbed her mother’s arm. “Mother, what am I going to do with you? They will make their own plans. Come on, I need your help.” And with a wink in Lindsay’s direction, she took her mother away. “We’ll see you tonight!”

“Lindsay?” Suzie asked again and Lindsay smiled. She was being paranoid. Blake hadn’t said anything strange. He’d told her he loved her, he’d given her a ring; of course there wasn’t any rush to make plans just yet. Maybe he wanted to wait until after Christmas?


Monday morning earlywhen Blake woke up, Lindsay wasn’t next to him. Frowning, he got up. Now that he thought about it, he’d also woken up alone yesterday morning.

There were sounds coming from the bathroom. She was probably getting ready for work. Struggling with his one hand, he pulled on his jeans and headed down the stairs. Lindsay loved her coffee first thing in the morning, he’d discovered.

As he put on the coffee machine, he saw a cup of tea on the counter. Strange, he’d seldom seen her drink tea. But okay, so sometimes she preferred tea. While he waited for the coffee, he walked towards the window. He’d brought some of his stuff here, but there wasn’t that much space in Lindsay’s bedroom.

They had so much to talk about and to decide, but because he was keeping Christmas a surprise for her, he’d been evading her questions. It would definitely be the last time he kept anything from her; it was killing him not to blurt out everything that was going on. It was clear to him she was slightly miffed because he wouldn’t discuss any plans with her, but all would be revealed soon.

He heard the ping of the coffee machine behind him but as he turned, he saw the garage doors opened. And the next minute, Lindsay was driving down the driveway and turning into the street.

Nonplussed, he stared at the car driving away. She hadn’t said anything last night about leaving early. Besides, she had to know he was in the kitchen.

His phone. It was still in the bedroom. He raced up the stairs and picked up his phone from the bed. Yes, there was a message from Lindsay.

On my way to work. See you later! ?

What the hell? They were engaged, they’d made love not so long ago, so why had she just left without telling him?

Something was wrong. His gut had been telling him precisely that for the last twenty-four hours, but he should’ve listened to it and not simply ignored it.

Over the weekend, Lindsay had been quiet and she’d slept most of yesterday. He’d put it down to all the stress of the past few months. And he hadn’t minded the rest; his arm had been giving him hell after Friday’s flight, and of course making love to his fiancée in the small bathroom hadn’t been conducive to keeping his arm still. But it had been so worth it.

But he should’ve asked her if something was wrong last night. He should’ve made sure she was okay.

Within minutes, he was in his car, driving towards Lindsay’s shop.


Stunned, Lindsay walkedout of the doctor’s office. Charlie, who was waiting for her outside, rushed closer when she saw her. “Linds? What’s wrong? What did the doctor say?”

“Nothing is wrong...” she began, but before she could say anything else, the door burst open and in strode Blake—a furious one, if she wasn’t mistaken.

He yanked her close to him and buried his face in her neck for a moment. Inhaling deeply, he cupped her face. “Lindsay, damn it, why are you at the doctor’s? And why the hell didn’t you tell me where you were going? Why didn’t you tell me you were feeling ill? We’re engaged, damn it. I love you! But—”

Taking a deep breath, she interrupted him. “I just have to check something with you first before I tell you.” She had no idea how he was going to react to the news. When he’d asked her to marry him, he hadn’t said anything about kids, and since they’d gotten engaged, he wouldn’t talk about any plans for the future. Well, the sooner she knew, the better.

“What?” he barked out.

“Do you still want to marry me?”

“Of course, I want to marry you—I gave you a damn ring.”

“But you don’t want to talk about plans.”

His mouth opened and closed before he rubbed his face. “Because damn it, I wanted it to be a surprise for you.”
