Page 67 of Protecting Lindsay

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“A surprise?” She laughed, feeling a little hysterical. “Well, it’s good to know you like surprises, because do I have a surprise for you.”

“What surprise?”

“I’m pregnant,” she blurted out, and waited.

“I told you that’s why you were so tired!” Charlie laughed and hugged her, but Lindsay kept her eyes on Blake.

One emotion after the other passed over his face until she saw the one she’d been hoping for, waiting for—joy.

Reverently, he touched her belly, his eyes shimmering with tears. Tears. Her Blake in tears. “You’re pregnant? With our baby?”

“Yes. I’m pregnant with our baby.”

“Damn woman, I love you,” he said, and lifting her up with his good arm, proceeded to kiss her soundly.

“What the hell are you doing with my sister?” a voice thundered close by.

Lindsay turned around and blinked. Gavin? What was he doing here? He was supposed to be arriving next week.

But Charlie had thrown her arms around their brother and was hugging him and crying at the same time. “I’m so happy, I can’t believe this. Linds is pregnant and now you’re here.”

Her words only deepened the frown on Gavin’s face. “Lindsay iswhat?” Gavin asked, his eyes narrowing as he stared at Blake.

“Pregnant. And I’m so happy you’re here!” Lindsay called out as she embraced her brother.

Gavin looked down at her. “I’m gone for a few weeks and now my other sister is also pregnant? What’s in the water of this place?” He put his hands on her shoulders. “You sure you’re happy?”

“Very.” She smiled.

“Well, in that case,” said Gavin, “I suppose I have to congratulate the dad.” He walked over to Blake and held out his hand.

Both she and Charlie held their breaths. Gavin had been known for his death grip on any potential boyfriend of theirs in the past. But Blake didn’t blink, just shook hands and smiled.

“So, what are your plans with my sister?” Gavin asked.

“I’m going to marry her.”

“Good answer,” said Gavin and finally chuckled. “When?”

“It’s a surprise for Lindsay,” Blake said, moving closer to Lindsay. “And now I’m taking my fiancée home.”

“I have to get to the shop...”

“Later,” he said.

The look in his eye robbed her of her breath and she could only nod. He wanted her. By now she knew that light in his eyes. She couldn’t wait, either. The need to be with him after the overwhelming news was...overwhelming.

And she also needed a minute to get used to the idea she was going to be a mother.

She quickly hugged Charlie and Gavin. “Have you been to the house?” she asked Gavin.

“No, I went to your shop and Charlie’s rooms directly from the airport. Imagine how I felt when Lilly told me both my sisters were at the doctor’s.”

“You could’ve let us know you were on your way.” Charlie laughed. “Why don’t you come with me to the ranch? I’ve brought Linds to the doctor, so my car is here and she clearly has another lift. There’s plenty of room and Logan would love to see you. That way you can give these two lovebirds some space. We actually have a proposition for you.”

Lindsay threw Charlie a grateful look as she and Blake left. She was so happy her brother was back, but there hadn’t been time to clean his room.

“A good thing your brother has another place to stay.” Blake chuckled as they walked towards his car. He had his arm around her and bent down. “You’re a very loud lover.”
