Page 71 of Protecting Lindsay

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“Of course. I love you.”

He cupped her face. “I love you, too.”

“Hey, you two,” Charlie called out. “You’re going to need food at some point. Please eat.”

Lindsay caught Blake’s eye. She wasn’t hungry for food and neither, it would seem, was her fiancé.

He leaned over to her. “Do you want to see our new house?”

He heart leaped up and she nodded. “Yes, please.”

Logan got up. “Excuse us, I’m going to show Lindsay our new home.”

“Okay! I’ll keep your food!” Charlie called after them.


Late the next morning, Logan waved as Lindsay walked towards the big homestead. Charlie had been calling Lindsay’s phone for the last hour, but each time she’d tried to get up, he’d managed to get her to stay in bed just a little longer.

He stared after his fiancée. He would probably never understand exactly why he’d been given this chance at love, but he was going to do everything in his power to always love and protect Lindsay.

Logan and Gavin appeared around the corner.

“I don’t have to ask whether you had a good night—it’s written all over your face.” Logan grinned as they came closer. “Hopefully, by the time you’re back from your honeymoon, we should be finished with the kitchen.”

“I don’t know how to thank you,” Blake said. “There wouldn’t even have been a room without your help.”

“You’ve paid for it all.” Logan grinned.

“You’ve made it possible.” Blake had to swallow a few times before he could speak again. “Never thought I’d be part of a family.”

Logan slapped him on the shoulder. “Great to have you here. I’m also hoping you’ll help us with a new security system?”

“Of course. We’ll discuss it when we’re back.”

“So, Gavin, what about you?” Logan asked Lindsay and Charlie’s brother. “We’re really hoping you’ll also settle here. I know Charlie would love to have both you and Lindsay close by.”

Gavin nodded. “Thank you. But for now, I’ll stay in Charlie’s house in town until I figure out what’s next. I still have work to do for the firm in South Africa...”

“But you are considering my proposal to join my firm?” Logan asked.

Gavin nodded. “Yes, but I need time.”

“Of course. Come on, Blake, I want to talk to you about the kitchen.”

“I thought we’d ask Lindsay about color schemes, but what do you think about having a big window here, overlooking the ranch?” Logan asked.

Blake joined Logan and stared out over the rolling hills where horses were grazing in the distance.

Home. Family. A place to call his own. His and Lindsay’s. His body felt too small for all the emotion, and he had to inhale deeply.


The next day, Lindsay’sheart was in her throat as she walked towards her bridegroom, beside her brother, her arm linked through his. She had a hard time not rushing down the short aisle in Logan and Charlie’s spacious sitting room.

When she’d joined her sister, and Eleanor and Brooke, and just about everyone else from town just before lunch, they were already in the process of transforming the large dining room and lounge into a wedding venue.

Everyone had pitched in. Some were cooking, others were doing the flowers, others laid the tables while the men made sure fairy lights went up just about everywhere. She felt so lucky to be part of such a caring community.
