Page 72 of Protecting Lindsay

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“I can always get you out of here,” Gavin said, under his breath.

“I’m right where I want to be.” She grinned. “I’m so happy you’re here. Thanks for your support.”

“Of course.” He cleared his throat. “Mom and Dad would’ve been so proud of you, Linds.”

She hugged his arm, tears threatening to spill. Oh, how she wished they could’ve been here today. Her dad would’ve loved Blake’s quiet way of doing things, and her mom would’ve made a remark about her handsome, new son-in-law.

Swallowing against the lump in her throat, she laughed with everyone as Blake began to walk towards them.

“You’re taking way too long to get my bride to me, Gavin.” He grinned and caught her hand.

“You make her happy, or...” Gavin said, his voice not quite steady, and this time Blake did wince as they shook hands.

“I will,” he promised before he turned towards her.

“Beautiful,” he murmured and bent his head. “You look so beautiful.”

“The kiss is only supposed to be much later.” She giggled.

“I can’t wait any longer,” he said, and kissed her.


Lindsay was out ofbreath and laughing by the time they’d finished dancing to her song about crazy and beautiful. Blake had danced her out onto the porch, and when the music stopped, he took her hand. “Come with me? I’ve told Charlie we’re leaving. You’ll see them all tomorrow morning before we leave.

“So are we having our honeymoon in our new home? Surely you can tell me now?” she asked as they started to walk down the short road to their house.

“We’re sleeping there tonight, but then, beautiful, I’m taking you far away to an island in the sun.”

“It sounds perfect.”

In front of the half-finished house, she stopped and caught her breath. “Did you put the fairy lights on the porch?”

“Of course.” He smiled. “It had to be like it was in my dream.”

“What dream?” she asked as she leaned against him, staring at the lights.

“The one of us with two little girls with their mother’s clear blue eyes and a boy with dark hair. There were fairy lights on the porch, just like there are now. Oh, and we have to get a dog. A spaniel.”

She laughed. “A spaniel. That’s very precise.”

He turned her around to face him. “I saw them all so clearly. And I promise, I’ll always be there, protecting you all.”

“Of course, you will. Take me to our bed, husband?”

“Yes, Mrs. Davidson,” he said as he led her up the half-finished porch to their bedroom.

“Mrs. Davidson?” She smiled. “Well, have I told you Mrs. Davidson has her own surprise for you?”


“You remember the conversation you overheard in my shop with Suzie Stevens?”

He gave her a stern look. “Told you I don’t have problems in the bedroom.”

“Oh, I know. But I do have something that may just...well...enhance the pleasure,” she said as he opened the bedroom door.

She just had time to see his eyes flash before he gathered her close. “Enhance the pleasure? So how are you going to do that?”

“Well, I remember you like ylang-ylang...” she began, but he bent down and kissed her. It was going to be a while before she could take out the lovely massage cream she’d made just for him.
