Page 18 of Loving Brooke

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He liked Brooke. He liked touching her; that wasn’t the problem. So what was the problem? He gazed around, searching for Brooke even before he realized what he was doing. His two sisters both had their arms around her, and they were all smiling.

Something tightened around his upper body, making it difficult to breathe. This was a temporary arrangement. Once he left for Seattle, they’d tell everyone it had been a mistake, and then they could both hopefully carry on with their lives without the constant winking and nudging from his sisters and Brooke’s mom.

Soon everyone had a glass of bubbly in hand, and somehow, without consciously thinking about it, he’d found his way close to Brooke again.

“A toast!” Eleanor was saying, her eyes bright with tears. Everyone lifted their glasses. “To the next wedding!”

Brooke groaned. “Mom, seriously. Nobody is talking about a wedding. We’re together—for the moment. That’s what we’re celebrating.”

Eleanor looked over her shoulder, to where Connor was playing on the grass, and dropped her voice. “Okay, but just so you know, Charlie and Lindsay and I have been talking and sooner would be better than later,” Brooke’s mom said, her eyes shining. “Lindsay is due to give birth in September, and it would be easier all around if we could have you two married and settled before then. It also means it wouldn’t be necessary to build another house for you, Gavin.”

Next to Gavin, Brooke gasped, while the word “married” exploded in his head.

“Mother!” Brooke called out. “That is so out of line, I don’t even know what to say to you.”

Nobody was paying any attention to Brooke, though. Charlie grabbed his arm. “Ooh, and Gavin, Lindsay and I have wondered if you still had Mom’s ring? You know, the ruby...” Charlie grabbed her mouth and her eyes widened. “Oops, so sorry! Was it supposed to be a surprise?”

Gavin shook his head. It was as if they’d all gotten on a runaway train that was simply going faster and faster, and there wasn’t anything he could do to stop it. “I think that’s enough interfering for one day, don’t you think?”

“Lindsay, how are you feeling?” Brooke asked. It was clear she was trying to change the subject, but whether his sisters and mom would allow it, they’d have to see.

The women moved toward each other, and he followed Blake out onto the lawn, where Connor was still playing. Blake caught the ball and threw it at Gavin, but he was still watching Brooke and was hit in the shoulder.

Blake grinned. “Eyes on the ball. This one we’re playing with.”

Gavin did his best to focus on the game. For a few minutes, they played with the little boy until Eleanor called everyone to go and wash hands—lunch was ready.

Grinning, Blake slapped him on the shoulder. “You have it bad, my friend. Welcome to the club.”

“What club are we talking about?”

“The I-don’t-want-to-live-without-her club.” Blake rushed forward to help Lindsay into a chair.

Gavin watched the attentive way Blake helped Lindsay. Yeah, he was familiar with the club. He’d seen enough of his sisters and their husbands to know what Blake was talking about. Two days ago, he would’ve sworn he’d never felt like that about anyone. But after the last two days?

Brooke was also taking her seat, and he hastened forward. If he were to sit next to her, he could touch her whenever he wanted to.

And it would seem he wanted to do that all the time. If he wasn’t mistaken, he was in trouble. Deep, deep trouble.


After dinner that night, it was still light enough to walk down to Brooke’s nearly finished house. She’d been here a few times before to check on the progress, but she’d been so busy trying to finish paintings before she and Connor moved here permanently, she hadn’t been back over the last three weeks.

Gavin was walking next to her, holding her hand as he’d been doing through most of the evening. It was a strange feeling—being touched this way again. She’d missed the intimacy of having a partner; maybe that was why she was so conscious of her hand in Gavin’s. It would be so easy to get used to the idea of being with someone again.

Logan moved closer to her. “We have a surprise for you.”

Her mom laughed. “I can’t wait for you to see what Logan has added. I had to keep it a secret all this time, and you know how hard that is for me.”

“Added?” Brooke frowned. “I told you Connor and I don’t need a huge house. All I really need is a place near a window where I can paint. And a bed.”

Smiling, Logan opened the front door. “We know. But it was easy to change the plans slightly to make sure you have a big enough place where you can paint. Come and have a look.”

Connor raced inside. “It’s nearly finished, Mom!” he yelled.

The kitchen, living room, and dining room were one large, open space with big windows facing the mountains. Pulling her hand from Gavin’s, she twirled around to get a good look at the whole room. “Wow, Logan, it looks as if you guys are just about done. It’s perfect.”

“I’m glad you like it.” Logan grinned. “Come, your surprise is this way.”

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