Page 20 of Loving Brooke

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When Connor had fallen asleep on Charlie and Logan’s sofa, her mom had suggested he spend the night there even though she hadn’t brought his pajamas or a clean set of clothes, as she would’ve have done if she’d thought to leave him behind. Brooke had used that as an excuse to insist he went home with her. And before she could do it, Gavin had picked him up and carried him to the car.

By the time Gavin was driving into Alisson, it was nearly ten and dark outside. She’d just realized her plan wasn’t working out quite as she’d thought it would. They were, for all purposes, alone. Connor was fast asleep, and as she knew all too well that he wouldn’t wake up for anything at this stage.

She looked down at her hand in Gavin’s. When they’d driven away from the farm, he’d again picked it up, and he hadn’t dropped it since. It was a short trip from the ranch, but it had felt like hours. Where their hands touched, her skin was hot, burning.

Gavin had been silent since they’d all visited her nearly finished house. Something was obviously bothering him, but with the rising sexual tension in the car, it was hard to think about anything else.

She was conscious of Gavin’s every move next to her, of his breathing, his smell, his warm hand covering hers. Hot flames were licking her insides, making it difficult to breathe.

When he stopped in front of her house, she was out of the door before he had a chance to open his. She had to get away from him before she did something stupid.

Gavin climbed out slowly, his gaze meeting hers across the car. “I’ll take Connor in.”

Normally she would’ve insisted to carry Connor by herself, but the sooner they had Connor in bed, the sooner Gavin could leave.

She walked ahead of him, unlocked the door, switched on lights, and ran up the stairs to make sure Connor’s bed was ready.

Her heart was beating frantically, the blood was pounding in her ears, her mouth was bone dry, her body was heavy, hot with need. Gavin had to leave as soon as possible, otherwise she might just forget about all her rules, and jump his bones. Oh, my goodness, she shouldn’t even be thinking about jumping and his bones: as it was, her blood was close to boiling.

Gavin was right behind her, and he put Connor down on the bed. His movements were so gentle, she had to swallow the lump in her throat. She pulled the blankets over Connor and without looking in Gavin’s direction, hurried out of the room and down the stairs.

“Thank you,” she said stiffly and walked toward the front door.

Gavin was right behind her. “Brooke.”

She was forced to look up to him. “Yes?”

He caught her hand in his.

“Gavin...” Her mouth was so dry, though, she couldn’t get another word out.

“Do you want me to leave?”

She stared at him, chewing her lip. That would be the sensible thing to do. She knew it. Her breasts felt heavy with want, and desire was a throbbing ache all over her body.

With a growl, he bent forward and kissed her. “It drives me wild when you do that.” He cupped her face. “I’ll leave if that’s what you want.”

Slowly, she shook her head. “It’s not what I want, but we have to talk about bound—”

He kissed her again. “The time for boundaries is long gone, babe. No buts. Yes or no. I’ll respect your decision.” He dropped his hands.

“You should go,” she pleaded. “I’m...burning up.”

Something flashed in his eyes. “And you think telling me that helps?”

She hugged herself. “This is crazy. You know it. You’re leaving in two weeks’ time. You don’t really want this. As we’ve established yesterday, we’re both...”

“Sex-starved,” he said.

“I don’t know if I’d describe it quite like that, but okay, yes. Anything more than...kissing will only complicate this whole thing even more.”

He exhaled slowly. “Okay, I’ll go. So kissing is allowed?”

“It’s not a good idea.”

His eyes were hot, molten lava. She waited for him to pull her closer, but he turned around and opened the front door. “Okay. But for the record, I don’t see why we can’t enjoy our time together.”

“Because it’s not real, remember. That’s why it’s called a ‘fake’ relationship.”
