Page 39 of Loving Brooke

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Gavin cleared his throat. “Actually, I’ve been thinking I may leave earlier than I’d originally planned. Maybe even before next weekend. I’ll check flights with Anna on Monday.”

Because he was so close to Brooke, he heard her soft gasp. Without looking at him, she grabbed some plates and started walking toward the kitchen. Well, hell. He’d mentioned he might be leaving earlier. He’d thought she’d be happy about it.

Logan frowned. “Your meetings are only scheduled from the week after next—you do realize that?”

Gavin shrugged. “I know, but I thought it would give me time to see more of the city, get a feel of the office. I’ve never been to Seattle and I’d like to explore the city for a few days.”

“That’s not a bad idea,” Logan said. He looked in the direction of the kitchen. “What about Brooke? I thought you know.”

“She...she’s packing and working for her exhibition in July. At this point, I think she’d prefer not to have me under her feet, as well. So, tell me about Anna? From what I’ve picked up here and there from emails and phone calls, I believe she’s quite a character.”

Logan grinned. “I can try, but trust me, nothing I say will be able to prepare you for Anna.” He launched into a description of his PA.

Gavin looked toward the kitchen door, where Brooke had disappeared minutes before. It just made sense to leave sooner than he’d planned. There was no way he could stay away from her when he lived only a few blocks away, and she’d made it clear she wasn’t interested in prolonging whatever was going on between them.

Besides, it was temporary, until he left for Seattle. That she didn’t want him around shouldn’t have been surprising. The lines had been very clear right from the start. He couldn’t change the rules now, halfway through, because he couldn’t get enough of the beautiful widow.


Gavin turned his carinto the street where she lived. Brooke focused on her breathing. In and out. In and out. Connor had pleaded to stay on the ranch with her mother until the move next week, and she didn’t have the heart to tell him no. Besides, she desperately needed alone-time to figure out how she was going to say goodbye to Gavin, soon, without falling to pieces.

He was leaving earlier than planned, something he’d mentioned in passing, but she hadn’t thought was serious. It was obvious he’d decided if he couldn’t stay for the sex, he wasn’t staying.

She was not going to cry; he didn’t have to know how much last night had meant to her, and he definitely should never find out she’d lost her heart to him.

The moment the engine came to a halt, she opened her door and sprinted for the front door.

“Brooke!” Gavin called out behind her, but she ignored him.

Frantically, she searched for the keys to the front door in her bag, but she couldn’t find them. Behind her, Gavin’s footsteps came closer.

“Let me try,” he said.

“I can get my own damn keys,” she grumbled.

“Of course you can. You don’t need me; you’ve made that abundantly clear. I’ll stay out of your way until I leave. Once I’m gone, you can tell everyone we’re not together anymore.”

“See if you can find the damn key.” Upset and angry, she shoved the bag into his hands and crossed her arms. He found it immediately and unlocked the door.

Quickly, she stepped inside and held out her hand. “Thank you. The key?”

“It’s best that I leave earlier.”

“So you say.”

“I’’s just...” He rubbed his face. “Babe, I’m no good to you...”

“Don’t you dare say that! I don’t understand how you can believe someone who has lied to you and cheated on you, but you can’t see how much you mean to your sisters and...and to everyone else.”

“Everyone else?”

“You keep using someone else’s words to explain why you want to leave. It doesn’t work, okay? Just...go.”

Her eyes were bright. Tears? It couldn’t be, could it? Taken aback, he stared at her. Why was she crying? He never could stand tears, something his two sisters used to their advantage time and time again while they were growing up.

“Goodbye, Gavin. I’ll ...” One tear spilled onto her cheek, but she wiped it away quickly. “I’ll...”

And then he noticed it—the slight tremor of her lower lip. She quickly bit down on it, but he’d seen it. With a groan, he stepped inside her house, kicked the door shut behind them, and pulled her closer. “Babe...” was all he managed before his mouth found hers.
