Page 41 of Loving Brooke

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“How...?” Swearing, he grabbed his jeans. Now was not the time to ask too many questions. “I’m on my way.”

When he looked up, Brooke was standing in the doorway.

Pulling on his jeans, he glanced around, looking for his shirt. “You heard that?”

“That Sarah is here? I did—sorry, I didn’t mean to eavesdrop. I came to get my phone; I want to check up on Connor. Well, there you have it, then—she obviously wants you back, so she’s decided you’re not that bad at relationships after all.” She turned around and disappeared.

Dumbfounded, Gavin stared after her. Damn it to hell, what was she talking about? “Brooke!” He finally found his shirt, and pulling it over his head, he searched for his shoes.

He’d wanted to talk to Brooke that morning so they could figure out a way to stay together longer than they’d originally planned. There was nothing that said they couldn’t continue their relationship even when he left for Seattle.

But now Sarah was here, and he’d have to deal with her first, find out what she wanted. And make sure she knew he wasn’t interested in getting back with her ever again.

The shoes were under the bed. Cussing a blue streak, he put them on before he raced downstairs. “Brooke!” She wasn’t in the kitchen or living room.

Taking the stairs two at a time, he charged back upstairs again. “Brooke!” He kept calling her name while he checked every room, but she was nowhere to be found.

His phone rang. Charlie again. He ignored it.

Damn it to hell. “Brooke—where the hell are you? We have to talk!”

Nobody answered.

Downstairs, he looked around again, but he couldn’t feel her presence anywhere. Where had she disappeared to? He slipped out front and made sure the door was locked. As he rushed to his car, he took out his phone. Maybe he could send Brooke a message, tell her— Dammit, no. Messages tended to get misinterpreted, sometimes. Once he’d spoken to Sarah, he’d come back and explain everything to Brooke.


Brooke waited untilshe heard the sound of Gavin’s SUV driving away before she went back inside the house. She’d been hiding in the garden. Sarah was here, and that could only mean one thing: she wanted him back.

Since last night, she’d tried to prepare herself to say goodbye to Gavin sometime in the coming week, when he’d leave for Seattle. Her poor heart had been valiantly trying to come to grips with the idea he was going to be away for about a month, and by the time he’d be back, everyone would’ve heard they weren’t together anymore.

That had been bad enough. Last night’s lovemaking had only intensified her feelings for Gavin. Their bodies fitted together so perfectly; they were so in sync with one another, they’d moved together like a choreographed dance.

How was she supposed to carry on with her life without him?

Sarah was here. The same Sarah who had cheated on him, who had made him feel he was not relationship material. And Gavin couldn’t leave fast enough to get to her. He would probably forgive her, and she’d be the one going with him to Seattle.

Brooke swallowed the huge lump in her throat. Dammit, loving Gavin had turned her into a blubbering idiot. She was a strong, independent woman. She shouldn’t simply fall apart. This thing between her and Gavin had been supposed to be temporary. Apparently, she was the one who’d forgotten all about that.

Her phone rang. Her mother. She really was the last person Brooke wanted to talk to right now, but she had to make sure Connor was okay. While she locked the kitchen door behind her, she answered the call.


“Brooke, sweetie, I’ve heard. I’m coming to fetch you...”

“No, please don’t. Thank you for caring, but I’ll be okay. I’m going to switch off my phone and lock myself in. I’m going to paint for the next few days. Will Connor be okay?”

“When he’s not following Logan around, he’s with Blake—don’t worry about him. And fortunately, my daughter-in-law and her sister are very good cooks. He’s in heaven.”

“Don’t worry about me, Mom...”

“Of course, I worry about you. You shouldn’t read too much into Sarah’s visit. He hasn’t invited her, and remember, the two of you are together.”

The tears came out of nowhere. Furiously, she blinked them away. Her mother must never know how much she was hurting right now.

“We’ve...we’ve decided to go our separate ways, Mom. It’s over. Even before Sarah’s arrival. We’ve tried, but...well, we’ve tried. I’ll be fine—please don’t worry about me. I’ll be painting until the move on Friday.”

Her mother was quiet for a few moments. “I’m so sorry to hear that. Are you sure? The two of you seemed to be so in tune with one another. He can’t keep his hands off of you, sweetheart—”
