Page 55 of Loving Brooke

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Logan raised an eyebrow. “She has, has she? I’ve heard you guys only had a fake relationship. I didn’t realize that means you’ve also shared intimate details.”

“There is nothing fake about the way I feel about her.”

At that moment, the door of the restroom opened again. Eleanor and Connor came out. “Logan, Gavin, could you take Connor home, please?”

“Of course, Mom.” Logan took Connor’s hand. His voice dropped. “Brooke?”

“She’ll be okay in a minute. Probably just nerves. We’ll stay until she can leave.” She looked around. “Where is Blake?”

“He...uhm...escorted Bill outside,” Gavin said, but he didn’t elaborate in front of Connor. He crouched down so that he could look the little boy in the eye. “Are you still hungry?”

Connor nodded, his gaze shifting to the restroom door.

“So am I. What do you say we go and look for the biggest hamburger we can find?”

“What about my mom?” Connor’s lip trembled.

Gavin picked up the boy. “She has to stay to talk to all these people who want to buy her paintings, but by the time we would have had our hamburgers, she’ll be back.”

“And Uncle Logan is going with you, sweetie,” Eleanor said and kissed Connor.

Gavin had so many questions about Brooke, but he didn’t want to upset Connor any further.

Logan smiled at Connor. “Come on, I’ve just realized I’m also starving.”

Gavin handed the boy to Logan. “Just give me a minute. I’ll meet you outside.” There was one more thing he had to do before he could leave.


Brooke finally felthuman again. She couldn’t remember ever feeling so sick before. There was the time when she’d been pregnant with Connor, but that had been in the mornings only. And had she felt this bad? Didn’t seem possible. And on top of feeling sick, the upsetting incident with Bill Norton had just made everything worse.

Not to mention the fact that Gavin had appeared like a knight in shining armor, just when she’d needed him most.

She touched Lindsay’s hand. “Will you please thank Blake for me? I don’t know what Bill thought he could accomplish here tonight, but I was very grateful for your husband’s help.”

Lindsay smiled. “It was all Gavin. He saw the guy, recognized him, and asked Blake to help. You don’t have to worry about that creep again, Blake would’ve made sure of that.”

The door opened, and Michelle popped in. She’d been in earlier but had left when she’d seen how sick Brooke was feeling. “How are you doing now? Up to facing your fans again?”

“Yes, thanks for the apple juice. I’m much better now, Michelle.”

Her mom handed her a lipstick. “You’re still very pale.”

When Brooke looked in the mirror, she groaned. “Oh, my goodness, I look like a ghost. I can’t remember ever feeling this sick. Must be something I’ve eaten.”

She turned around in time to catch a look her mom shared with Charlie and Lindsay, but before she could ask what that was about, Michelle was ushering her outside.

“We have to talk about the two paintings you don’t want to sell,” Michelle said.

“I told you...”

Michelle chuckled. “Well, my dear, I don’t know what to tell you. The client is very, very insistent. He’ll probably contact you. But come on, there are journalists waiting to take pictures and talk to you.”

“Just a moment,” Brooke said, and looked back at her mom, Charlie, and Lindsay. “You guys are, of course, welcome to stay, but I’m really okay now. I’m so happy you’re here. I won’t even ask why you didn’t tell me you were all coming to the opening night. Let’s meet somewhere for lunch tomorrow?”

“But now that we’re all here, why don’t you come with us to Logan’s place?” Charlie asked.

Because she wasn’t ready to face Gavin yet. Brooke shook her head. “I’ll probably be here until late tonight, and the Airbnb is walking distance. Lunch, tomorrow? I’ll message you.” And with a wave of her hand, she followed Michelle.
