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I didn’t want to go like this. First impressions were important, and I didn’t want to give them the wrong one.

“Would it be possible to have a few minutes to change?”

He hesitated before answering. “They are already here.”

An alarm shot through me. They were here, and I was still in my work clothes. This wasn’t good.

Looking around, I saw no sign of them. But that didn’t mean they weren’t here.

The Caid saw the look of alarm on my face, because he quickly added, “The second floor, right next to the historical records office.”

I looked up and there I saw them. Four Elves gazing down. Their long ears and sharp features betrayed their heritage. The sun seemed dim compared to the light that emanated from them.

I glanced at their clothing. Two of them wore uniforms of the Department of Education and Intercultural Affairs. The purple and silver of their clothing reverberated in the light.

This was not good.

This was not a social call. But a diplomatic one. And that could only mean one thing.


I glanced at the Caid and he nodded his head, showing that I should stay put. Straightening my clothes, I waited for the Elves to come down. But they didn’t.

“What is it they want?” I asked the Caid politely.

Their sharp hearing meant that they probably heard me. But they didn’t answer. Instead, they kept observing me from above.

“They did not say. The one on the right is Prince Maedras.”

My future husband.

All I noticed was gold. Skin, hair, eyes, and clothing. It was as if the sun had taken human form. I was momentarily blinded and looked away.

After that, I could take in his face. Hard planes and angles, a firm chin, high cheekbones. His eyes were piercing, and I felt like he saw into my soul.

I gulped and glanced away.

He was handsome, like a statue. Untouchable. Cold. Unyielding.

I looked up again, and I realized I recognized those eyes. They were the same ones as in my vision. The man who was going to kill me. My future husband, the crown prince.

And he was here to see me. This was an arranged marriage, I knew that. I didn’t expect love or happiness, but I hadn’t expected this. I was going to marry a man who would end up murdering me.

“Princess Thimsal?”

The Caid’s voice snapped me out of my thoughts, and I turned to him.

My face turned blank. “Yes?”

Panicking would not help the situation. I needed to stay calm and in control.

“Is everything alright, princess?” I heard another voice ask in Karif.

His accent differed from others I had heard. This one was light and airy, as if he were holding back laughter. It made me want to smile, despite the situation.

I schooled my features into a mask of neutrality and turned to face the speaker.

He was also dressed in shades of gold, but his clothing was different. More relaxed, as if he didn’t take himself as seriously as the others. His hair was curly, falling into his eyes.
