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She smiled at us before leaving the room, Bers following close behind her.

“Let me escort you to your new rooms,” Prince Maedras said as his face turned blank.

After experiencing that intense, emotional moment together, he shut down. I felt a little hurt by his sudden change in demeanor, but I followed him out of the room silently. What could I expect from a spell crafter?

Statues of old kings and queens lined the hallway.

“You must be quite busy. I would understand if someone else took me,” I said, not wanting to be a burden.

He nodded and called out to a servant. “Please take the princess to her rooms and make sure she is comfortable.”

“Yes, Your Highness,” the servant said, before turning to me. “If you would follow me, princess.”

I wanted to bid farewell to him, but he had already disappeared down the hallway. I supposed it was for the best. What could I say to him after what had just happened? Did magic see hope in us? I wasn’t sure what that meant, but I would find out. For now, I had to focus on the task at hand.

Marry him to prevent our doom.


My quarters were nothing like the parts of the Aeglire I had seen. They were warm and inviting, with an enormous bed and a fireplace. A thick rug covered the floor and tapestries adorned the light blue walls. Someone put in a lot of effort to make me feel welcome.

Cozy. That was what came to mind.

I placed the chest down on the bed and explored my new home further.

Spinning around, I slowly noticed that things were not as they seemed. The tapestries depicted scenes from the sea. The table and chairs were made of driftwood, and a small bowl of shells sat on the table. My balcony looked out onto the ocean.

I stared at the water. It looked peaceful. The waves crashed against the shore, and the seagulls flew overhead. A fishing boat made its way towards the Aeglire. Looking down, I saw a slide that led to a small beach.

A knock on the door interrupted my thoughts. “Come in,” I called out, not taking my eyes off the view.

I heard a polite cough. “I hope I’m not interrupting anything.”

A woman with high cheekbones and almond-shaped eyes looked at me. She wore a silk dress that flowed around her body like the ocean. Her hair was pulled back in a loose bun, with tendrils framing her face. She had an air of authority about her, but a kind smile graced her lips.

“My apologies. I didn’t mean to startle you,” the woman said. “I’m Darith, your Second, and I will make sure that everything is taken care of.”

My Second? A position only meant for those of high nobility. I never thought I would have one, let alone someone as beautiful and regal as Darith. A promise of help and support, no matter what. That was valuable.

“Thank you, Darith,” I said, finally finding my voice. “I appreciate your help.”

“Of course.” Darith stepped further into the room. “Is there anything you need?”

“I was just admiring the view. May your works be as magnificent as your skills.”

“May your family always be at peace and your home filled with love,” she greeted me in a traditional Midarian manner.

I smiled at her. “Thank you.”

She nodded her head in acknowledgment. What pushed her to become my Second?

“The ocean is beloved to us,” she said, coming over to stand next to me. “The ocean has always been a large part of Elven lore.”

I was familiar with the stories, but not the specific Elvish folktales. “Really? I would love to hear them.”

“Our ancestors originated from the sea,” she said. “We’ve always had a strong connection to it. Many of our greatest songs and stories revolve around the ocean. It is a place of great beauty and danger.”

I watched the waves crash against the shore. “It looks peaceful from here.”
