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“It is,” she agreed. “But it can be deadly if you’re not careful. The sea is a fickle mistress.”

I narrowed my eyes. Just like the Aeglire. This wasn’t an ordinary history lesson, but a warning.

“It’s said that if you listen closely, you can still hear the remnants of their song.”

I listened to the sound of the waves crashing against the shore. And sure enough, I heard a faint melody underneath it all. “That’s beautiful,” I said, awestruck.

“Yes, it is.” Darith inclined her head. “But I’m afraid I must disappoint you. The song you’re listening to is the Selkies’ cry.”

Cold water filled my veins at her words. “Oh.”

“Yes, well, now you do. So I suggest you stay away from the water’s edge. They lure people to their doom.”

The Selkies and lady Kanna or was she referring to something else?

I took a step back. “I will. Thank you for the warning.”

“Of course.” She smiled. “You should probably get ready for the banquet. It will start soon and there’s much to prepare.”

A sudden surge of nerves hit me. “For a moment, I completely forgot about that.”

“Don’t worry,” Darith said, sensing my unease. “You’ll be fine.”

I stepped back. “I’m not sure if I’m ready for this.”

Darith placed a hand on my shoulder. “It will be a small gathering, nothing too formal. Just a chance for everyone to meet you and welcome you to our home.”

A small gathering with the people I needed to impress the most. House Finardsil. Great. If his family was anything like mine, then I was in for a long night. But this time with backstabbing and politics. The thought made me nauseous.

“I think I’m going to be sick,” I muttered.

“Don’t worry,” Darith said, her voice soothing. “I’ll be there with you the whole time.”

“Okay, let’s do this. But before we do, I have a question. Was this room someone else’s before it was mine?”

Darith paused for a moment before answering. “Yes, it was.”

“Whose?” I asked, not sure I wanted to know the answer.

Depending on the answer, I might not want to stay here after all.

“It belonged to lady Kanna.” Darith left the balcony, and I followed her. “She moved to another part of the Aeglire with your arrival.”

That paused me. On one hand, this signified my importance in their culture. It also meant that I now lived in the former rooms of lady Kanna. The one person I planned to ignore.

“I can’t take this room from her. She should have it back.”

“No, Your Highness,” Darith said quickly. “The queen has decreed that this room is yours. And we have moved lady Kanna to a suite of rooms that are just as lovely.”

I shook my head. “I insist. This is her room. I can’t just take it from her.”

“Your Highness, please.” Her smile slipped. “The lady Kanna has been informed of the situation and she is fine with it. She would not want you to feel uncomfortable in your rooms. You are the highest ranking member of the court now, and it is only fitting that you have these rooms.”

And lady Kanna was the last person I wanted as an enemy.

Darith saw the look on my face and knew that I would not budge on this. “Very well,” she relented. “I’ll ask the servants to move your belongings to another room. Lady Kanna can have this one back.”

“Thank you.” I sighed in relief. “I appreciate it. Let me help you with my things.”
