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“Oh, the usual. Health, happiness, and safety for my family.”

Resting my head on my mother’s shoulder, I closed my eyes and said a silent prayer for my family. That we would be reunited soon and that we would be safe. My mother’s bergamot and oudh scent gave me a sense of comfort as I drifted off. My dark hair provided a stark contrast to her olive skin.

“Did you hear the newest rumor circling around yet?”

“Oh, please don’t tell me it’s another one about the Lunja.”

I felt her laughter more than I heard it. “No, you’re not the only one fed up with that.”

“Do tell.”

“The newest gossip going around is that Kenza, the daughter of Halima, is engaged to a Naga from one of the northern settlements.”

“Really? How romantic.”

My eyebrow lifted in skepticism. “If you say so. Though I’m not sure how her mother will feel about it.”

“Oh, you know Halima. She’s always been the progressive type.”

“That’s one way to put it.”

We shared a laugh before falling into a comfortable silence. I watched as the other people surrounded the pond.

The sound of drums in the distance signaled the start of the next ceremony. Right across the room, Miryam stood up and the crowd of ladies took a few steps back. Walking towards the pond, she opened the jar and topped its insides in the water. A bright, silvery fog emitted from the water and filled the room. Twirling around, Miryam danced. The fog took on a life of its own, swirling around her in time with her movements.

The music turned into a more fast-paced, rhythmic pace that called for dancing throughout the night. I watched in wonder as Miryam’s gracefulness captivated everyone around her. She seemed to be one with drums.

The dancing became noisier, and the crowd shouted.

The hands that were choking me gradually grew tighter and tighter, as if they were trying to crush my windpipe. I gasped for air and tried to pry the fingers off me, but it was no use.

I couldn’t breathe. I was going to die.

Instead of panicking, I concentrated on the gold cat-like eyes and the silver locket with freshwater pearls triskeles in front of me. The face became hazy, and blood trickled down my throat. I tried to scream, but no sound came out.

Only gurgles and gasps.

The grip on my neck tightened, and I fought harder to get free. My vision blackened around the edges, and I knew I had little time left.

Just as I was about to give up, the grip on me loosened, and I fell to the ground, gasping for air.

Strong arms wrapped around me, and I opened my eyes to see my mother’s worried face looking down at me.

“Are you alright? What happened?”

“I saw… something...” I rasped out.

“What did you see?”

I shook my head and tried to get up. “I’m not sure. It was hazy, but someone was trying to kill me.”

“Did you see who it was?”

I shivered as I recalled the moment I saw the Elf coming closer to me as I suffocated. It was a bad omen to see an Elf just before you died.

My mother’s face was tense as she asked me the next question. “Did this person have any distinguishing features?”

I shook my head, no. All I remembered were furious, gold eyes and the sense of foreboding that came with it. Nothing else.
