Page 200 of The Hookup Experiment

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I do it anyway.

She slips into that rhythm just as easily. Sex and fun and easy conversation. The heavy things far beneath the surface.

With her. With Luna. With my sister and my parents and everyone else in my life.

She comes closer every time we touch. Then, when we finish and she cleans and dresses, she slips away again.



Even with the usual Saturday traffic, the drive goes quickly. The day feels easy. I even find parking in under five minutes.

Mmm, saltwater, charcoal, chlorine, sunscreen. The scents of summer. The good things in life.

I don't need to check the address. I can hear Dare and Patrick teasing each other. I can feel the lightness between them.

I grab my supplies, buzz into the complex, meet the crew by the pool.

The apartment complex is a lot like mine. A dozen or so apartments surrounding a large courtyard. A small pool, half a dozen loungers, two patio tables and chairs, succulents, and palm trees.

The Inked Love crew at the party.

Luna in a black bikini top and high-waist shorts. Her boyfriend, Oliver, in a black v-neck and black jeans, seemingly unfazed by the eighty degree weather.

A cute blonde in a baby blue dress, reading on a lounger, next to a tallish guy with a troublemaking smile.

"Daisy and Holden," Patrick offers. He grabs my mini-cooler and places it next to a massive red cooler.

"Tonic water and coleslaw," I say. "I didn't think to bring gin. Should I grab some?"

"I have gin," Dare calls from his spot at the grill.

"Good gin?" Patrick asks.

"Yeah, Val brought it," he says. "Gin tonic is big in Spain."

"Isn't it gin and tonic?" Patrick asks.

"Not in Spain." Dare shoots Patrick a look that saysduh.

Patrick laughs. "I'm not sophisticated?"

"Guess not," Dare says.

"You look cute." Luna bounces away from her boyfriend and pulls me into a tight hug.

"You're making me jealous," Oliver says.

"You should be jealous of her style. You only wear black," Luna says.

"Not that kind of jealous," he says.

"I don't know, Moonlight," Dare says. "I heard something about a Kinsey 1. Now, you know us men are too stupid to understand what that means."

"Call me Moonlight again and I'm pushing you into the pool," she says.

"It's your name," he says.
