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"That's not what my parents would say." She laughs. "They don't think psychology is a worthy field of study. And they're not sold on economics either."

"Isn't it all math?"

She looks at me funny.

"It's data, isn't it?"

"It's not engineering or computer science of physics or medicine," she says. "It's funny. Medicine is almost as in flux as 'soft sciences' but pre-med students still act superior. Or maybe it's just my roommate."

"Sounds like painters."

"Looking down on tattoo artists?"

I nod. "It happens."

"To you?"

"Whenever I take a figure drawing class."

"Naked people?"

"It's art," I say.

"Art of naked people."

"I thought you were a sophisticated woman who loved black-and-white movies?"

"And naked people," she says.

I laugh. "Should we watch a French movie?"

"If it's sexy."

"Or an erotic thriller?"

"That's a genre?"

"Yeah?Body Heat,Fatal Attraction,The Last Seduction. A bunch of movies about men screwing shit up by thinking with their dicks."

"Are you trying to tell me something about our relationship?"

"Yeah. You can get me to do a lot of stupid shit if you want," I say.

"By getting you thinking with your dick?"


"Move a couch?"

"A chance to show off my strength? Of course," I say.

"Teach me to surf?"

"You don't know?" I ask.

"I do."

"I figured," I say.
