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“I talked to Lynnie earlier, and she just seemed off. Normally she’s somewhat like Alana, nonstop talking. Sure, she was excited to tell me that she and her husband worked everything out, and she’s pregnant, even invited me to visit during her vow renewals. But something was off. It was almost like the second I started talking about me, and dating you, she just shut down. I feel like this is the Trixie thing all over again.”

I give her hand a squeeze. “I’m sorry, babe, maybe just give her a few days? As you said, she’s pregnant, planning a vow thing, she has a lot going on.”

Sighing, Kristi gives me a small smile. “You’re right. How about we go bowl, winner pays for pizza.”

I laugh. “Deal.”


Kristi surprised me, she kicked my ass at bowling, winning by twenty points. The funniest part of the whole thing, she can’t bowl with one hand. She bowls like those little kids do, both hands and rolls it between her legs. I think that’s why I lost, because I couldn’t stop laughing every time she bent over to roll it.

“So, how’s your business going?” she asks after taking a bite of pizza, that she of course paid for.

“It’s going good. Construction is just about done, I have six employees already on the payroll, ready to start once it’s completed. I just have to set up a website and create a new logo, all that fun stuff.”

“Did I ever tell you what I do? Because school of course?”

I look at her in confusion. “Yeah, you said child care thing.”

She laughs. “No, you ass, I told you why I take that class. I guess I forgot to tell you about my real classes. I’m a website designer, I created Haylix’s site and logo. It’s what I do. I pick up side jobs all the time. I use them to build my portfolio, I’m actually looking into designing video games, but if it doesn’t happen, this website designing is what I’ll stick with.”

“Holy shit, really?” I say in awe, she really is my dream girl.

“So, whatcha say you show me all your ideas and plans? Then I can make you the best kick-ass website and logo you’ve ever seen.” She gives me a cheeky smile.

“You’re on, but I’m paying you.”

“Fuck that. No way. I’m your girlfriend, and I can take this website to my professor and earn my last credit. Then bam, I’ll be graduated with my degree.” She gives me a sly smile. “You could always pay me in sexual favors, though, I’m up for that.”

Laughing I pull her close, kissing her. “It’s getting late, let’s finish off this pizza, so I can take you home. Tomorrow after class, come by the shop, and I’ll show you everything. And don’t say anything more about not accepting payment for the website. I would have hired someone, so I will pay you as if I didn’t know you. No lip, got it.”

“Ugh, fine, spoilsport. I still say sexual payment would be better.” She pouts.

Chapter 14


I go to my apartment with a smile on my face, after kissing Bryce goodbye. I don’t know what it is with him, he’s so different. After finding out that he was looking for someone to build his website, I told him I could do it. When he told me he wanted to pay me, I tried to convince him to just let me do it. He refused, saying I had to let him pay me like I would anyone else that was hiring me. Between Bryce’s site and Haylix’s site, I should be golden for after college with getting more jobs.

My phone rings as I get into my room. “Hello?” I say in a singsong voice.

“Wow, someone is happy,” my sister, Emma, says.

“I’m in love. I’m so happy, Emmie, I feel almost stupid with how amazing I’m feeling,” I tell her.

I can hear the smile in her voice when she replies, “That’s great! I’m happy for you.”

“So, what’s up?” I ask her, kicking my shoes off.

“Not a lot, but Daddy and I sat down, since I’m officially graduated and done with school for the summer, I told him all about Seth. At first, I thought he was going to have a stroke, but when he found out it was Seth, he seemed happy. Gave me the safe sex talk, it was pretty gross, and even gave me a pack of condoms.”

Laughing, I tell her, “He did the same to me, except he did that when I started college.”

“He wants me to bring Seth over tomorrow night for supper. I really hope he doesn’t give the same speech to him.”

“Trust me, he won’t. He loves you, he gave you the speech, and the most he’ll say to Seth is to treat you good or he’ll kick his ass.”

“That’s true. What about you and Bryce? You think you’ll bring him to meet Dad?”
