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“Maybe I will, probably not this weekend, my classes finish up next week, so might try for something then.”

“Sounds coolio. Let me know, so I can be here too.”

“Later, sis, love you.” I hang up and text Bryce.

So, I finish classes next week, how about a trip home, visit my dad? Visit your brother? – K

He doesn’t reply right away, so I put the phone down and grab myself a bottle of water. Ten minutes later he finally texts back.

That would work. I can’t be in the shop next weekend at all, so I’m free. I need to talk to my brother anyway about something, so this works perfect. – B

Yay! I’ll let my dad know. Xoxo – K


All night I worked on Bryce’s website, from talking with him over the last few months, I sort of had an idea. I showed what I started to Bryce and he was excited and gave me the rest of his notes on everything. Took me five hours to make it epic. Most people take longer, but I’m the best. When I finished everything up, I showed him, and he didn’t know what to say. We still have a few kinks to work out obviously, and he doesn’t want a buy now button or appointment booking on it just yet. Wants to wait for the shop to get busy first, then do that. Which is fine for me.

I give him a quick kiss when I see Alana walk in and I smile at her. “Hey, you ready to go?” she asks.

“Sure am!” I turn to Bryce and grin. “Waxing day.”

Shaking his head, he gives me a wink and whispers in my ear, “Make sure it’s a girl that does it, I would hate to kill someone otherwise.”

Laughing I push him away. “Crazy man.” I loop my arm in Alana’s, as she smiles over her shoulder giving Bryce a wave, and we head out.

“So what do you usually get done?” Alana asks me.

“Nothing, I refuse to shave it because it comes back all itchy and it’s so much upkeep, and no way in hell is wax touching my vagina,” I tell her.

“So, then why are you coming with me?”

“Because, I need it trimmed. I keep it neat and short. Trust me, you’ll love Alix’s way of waxing, not one person screams out and leaves that place crying. However, if you were getting Hayley to wax you, well…” I trail off.

Laughing, she hip checks me. “I’ve been getting this done forever, I’m sure I would have been fine with Hayley.”

I tug her arm and make her look at me. “No, trust me, no. Why do you think I booked us in today, on Hayley’s day off? I would never even let that crazy woman near my vagina, ever. Never ever. Trust me.”

“You’re weird. But whatever you say. I actually like those girls. They are interesting.”

Snorting, I tell her, “Yeah, real interesting, those two are psychos, but they are the best.” I smile.

Walking into Haylix Salon, I say hi to the receptionist and let her know we’re there for our appointments. “Are you two okay with not having Alix do this? She and Hayley both are out today.”

“Is Alix okay?” I ask.

“Oh yes, she’ll be fine, just has the flu. And Hayley is off today.”

“You okay with that?” I ask Alana.


The girls that work on us do a good job, normally I would have just rescheduled because I don’t like other people touching me when I have only ever used Alix.

“I can’t believe you didn’t even whimper.” I say, shocked.

“I told you, I get it done all the time. Anyway, thanks for coming with me, but I gotta get going, I’m meeting up with Matt. We’ll plan a night out this weekend?”

“Will do! Maybe I can get you drunk enough to talk you into a tattoo.” She laughs, shaking her head no.

One day I will get her to get one.

I walk back to my apartment with a spring in my step. I never thought I could ever be this happy.
