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Chapter 18


The visit to Airdrie was great. I met Kristi’s dad, well, I hung out with him, since we already knew each other from when I used to live there. After a day spent with him and Kristi, the sudden urge to ask Kristi to marry me was overwhelming. I didn’t of course, but I did ask her dad’s permission, which made him smile, as he winked at me and said yes. But, first he demanded I tell Kristi the truth. Which felt like a Goddamn kick in the face. He knows, knew, shit. Did Emma tell him? Ava?

“I want to marry her.” I blurt out, then instantly feel like a moron. I was with Alana for years and never felt the urge to ask her, and now, with Kristi, after a few months I already want to spend the rest of my life with her.

He smirks. “Once you tell her the truth, you have my blessing”

My eyes feel as if they are going to pop out of my head. “You know?”

“Emma thought she was being sneaky, but I have good hearing, and I could hear her on the phone with that boyfriend of hers, telling him about it all. Have to say, I was pretty damn pissed at first, and I was going to kick your ass this weekend and tell her the truth myself, but I see how you both feel about each other. I don’t want my girl hurt, so the sooner you tell her, the better it will be.”

“I don’t want to hurt her either, I just don’t know how to tell her the truth. I love her, I want to spend my life with her.”

“And yet, if she finds out, she’ll probably kill you. My girl is stubborn. The difference is, if it comes directly from you, and not from someone else, it will soften the blow.”

I’m about to ask him for some tips about how to tell her when Kristi comes back in, smiling, with a bag of groceries.

Now I’m driving to my house after dropping Kristi at hers. She wanted to come with me, but I told her after a long weekend, I really wanted to just sleep. In truth, I’m helping Alana move into her own place.

I pull up in front of my house and see the moving truck in the driveway. This is the first step of trying to fix the wrong I did when I started dating Kristi. Hopefully, I can figure out a way to tell her soon.


Getting into my apartment, I’m exhausted, trips home always wipe me out. Well mostly it’s the drive, I hate driving for longer than twenty minutes. I wanted to stay the night with Bryce, but he was tired, I get it, just wish maybe we could have been tired together.

I pull out my phone and see a text from Ava.

It’s a girl! – L

I smile.

Congrats mama – K

I put the phone down and start unpacking and end up cleaning out my fridge. Half the stuff in there is rotten. Serves me right, the last few weeks Bryce and I ate together, or I was out with Alana. I have to stop with the takeout so much. It’s killing my ass and my wallet.

By the time I’m done, I’m ready to crash.

I grab my phone and walk back to my room when it starts ringing. “You know I’m gonna kick your ass next time I see you, right?” I answer.

Emma laughs. “Sorry, I know I said I’d be there this weekend, but the cabin was finally vacant, and I wanted to be alone with Seth without sneaking around Dad. You know how it is.”

I snort. “Yeah yeah.”

“So, was it a good weekend? Dad didn’t threaten to kill him?”

“It was good. Friday night was just Dad and me, Bryce wanted to spend some time with his brother. Then Saturday the three of us hung out. Dad was pretty cool with him. They talked more to each other than they did me.”

“Wow, that’s a surprise. The one and only time Dad met Seth, once he found out we were dating and not just friends, all dad did was grunt if Seth spoke to him.”

Laughing, I reply, “Yeah, I was expecting something like that too.”

“So, I’m thinking in a few weeks I’ll come see you? It’s been a while, between both of us being busy with life, and all.”

“Yeah, sounds good.” I yawn. “I’m gonna let you go, I just finished unpacking and cleaning and I’m exhausted, but I’ll chat later. Love ya, sis.”

I hang up and grab my charger, plugging my phone in. I fall asleep within minutes.
