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“Yeah, well, I didn’t think I would either. But my girl has been after me, for a while now, to try and fix our relationship. So here I am. Plus, I need to talk to you about Mom.”

“Shit, I haven’t talked to her in years. Not after the nasty shit she kept saying about and to Lilly. Just done with her.”

“Yeah, well, ditto that. But chances are she might try and contact you. Just giving you a heads up.”

He groans. “Great.”

“I’m suing her. Talked to a lawyer about Dad’s will, the trust funds he left us. How Mom took every dime from mine. She’ll be getting jail time.”

Chuckling, he says, “Oh man, shit. This is good. Glad she’s finally getting what’s coming to her. I always thought what she did to you was a shit deal, but you didn’t seem all that broken up about not having that money.”

Rubbing the back of my neck, I sigh. “That was until I needed the damn money for my shop. But before I get into that shit with you, I gotta let you know what Mommy Dearest told me when she confronted me about me suing her.”

He looks at me for a moment and tenses. “You know, don’t you?”

“How’d you know?”

“Twelfth grade science, we did a project on DNA, and you and I matched, but compared to Mom’s, you two didn’t share any DNA.”

“Yeah, to say I was shocked would be an understatement, but I’m kind of relieved, to be honest.”

“Don’t blame you, I even double-checked it with mine, because I was hoping I’d get that result too, no luck. I’m cursed.”

We both laugh. Sort of feels good to be laughing with my brother. It’s been a long damn time since we did this.

“So, what else is up? Lilly says you’re in a relationship with Kristi, who would have thought that, huh? She still crazy as shit?”

I smile at him. “That’s something else I need to talk with you about. Fuck.” I hang my head and start filling him on everything. How Emma offered to pay for expanding and all the construction at my shop, if I dated her sister. How I fell in love with Kristi, out of love with Alana. All of it. From the first date, Ava even knowing, right up until I dropped her off a few hours ago.

He doesn’t say a word until I finish. “Well shit. We’re more alike than I thought. Only difference is, you didn’t knock them both up. But you do realize that even though you and Alana aren’t together anymore, if Kristi finds out how this all started, she will fucking gut you man. That girl holds a grudge better than anyone I have ever known. And there is barely a chance she’ll ever forgive you.”

Fuck, that’s what I thought.

“However, if you talk to her about it before someone blabs to her, there is a small chance you’ll be okay, after of course she tears you a new asshole. I also feel bad for Ava already. Shit man, that’s her best friend, she might never forgive her either. Look at Trixie. Those three were best friends growing up, and now Kristi has not one thing to do with her.”

“Yeah, I heard about the Trixie falling out thing.”

“It’s worse than that now. She’s getting divorced. Chris fucking cheated on her after their baby died, got the other girl knocked up. Chris wanted to make it work out, but Trixie was not having it. The club has been helping her out the last few months, which has her parents losing their shit, since they hate me. Blame me for Kayla’s death. She really could use a friend.”

Damn, that’s right, I forgot that Trixie was Kayla’s cousin. Her parents are probably pissed that Trix is close with Vinny, since they hate him so much. You’d think after all these years they’d be over it.

“As far as the money Emma is using for your shop, that stops now. I’ll be paying Emma back everything she spent already, and I’ll be paying for everything. No arguing! You’re my brother. I’m helping you out.”

I grin at him. I never should have kept my distance from him all these years. This feels good.

I text Kristi that I’ll be crashing in Vinny’s room at the clubhouse and that I’d see her tomorrow.

I feel a weight lifted off me, but another one crushing my chest as I think about how I have to tell Kristi the truth.
