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“Oh, Mason stopped by this morning,” I tell Lilly as we clean up from our supper.

“About Lacey?”

“How’d you know?”

She shrugs. “Everyone knows. He threatened her, told her to get the hell outta town and not come back. To let Chris and you raise Lita, and that if she ever came back or tried to get that little girl, he’d kill her and no one would ever solve the murder, because no one would give a shit if she was dead. They’d probably throw a parade.”

I laugh, relieved. “The way he said it, I thought for sure he already did kill her.”

“He’s not like that anymore.” Lilly pauses. “Okay, that’s a lie, he just perfected the whole ‘make it look like an accident’ thing. We’re all pretty sure he’s the reason one of the dad’s that the club investigated last month is dead.”

I shake my head. “Remind me never to get on his bad side.”

We laugh and she hugs me again, promising we’ll get together for another girls’ night soon and leaves.

I guess it’s time to call Chris and ask him to come over.

Chapter 14


Four days since I last spoke with Trix, four days since I got custody of my daughter. Three days since my mother tracked me down and is now sitting in my living room just starting at Lita.

I’ve been avoiding her calls and texts for weeks now, mainly because I didn’t want to have to deal with her. Also, I just had too much shit going on and she’s not a priority on my list.

“So, this mean you’re going to divorce Trixie and now and marry Lita’s mom? You know you should do the right thing.”

“The hell mom? Are you seriously telling me I should marry the town slut all because she took advantage of my drunken state and loss of Lola two years ago?”

“Well, she’s already a better woman than Trixie. She at leastgaveyou a child.”

“You need to leave, I won’t have you talking this way about Trixie, or in front of my daughter. I have sole custody of Lita. And just so you know, the woman you think is better than Trixie left my daughter with an old woman and never returned to pick her up. The bitch took off, left town. Lacey is being stripped of her rights. The first chance I get, I’m going to beg Trixie to adopt Lita as her own.” I pull my mother up from her seat. “And if you can’t accept that, then you can stay the hell out of my life.”

“You are just like your brother. You let women control you, why don’t you go get your balls back? Once you have them, you can be my son again.” She storms out of my place.

What did my brother and I do in a past life to have deserved the parents we got?

My phone rings and I grab it, moving out of the room Lita is playing in so I can hear myself talk. “Yeah?” I ask from the hallway, keeping an eye on my daughter.

“Hey,” Trixie’s soft voice comes over the line.

“Hey,” I awkwardly reply.

“Um, do you think you could come over?”

My heart races. “Yeah, I’ll take Lita over to Allan and Jess’s and I’ll be there soon.”

“Okay, no hurries.”

“Trust me, Trix, I’m going to hurry.”


After dropping off my daughter, I arrive at the house I used to share with my wife. A home I hope to share with her soon as a family. A family that we didn’t dream of, but still one all the same. I don’t even get to knock on the door before Trixie is throwing the door open and welcoming me in.

“I’m so glad you called,” I tell her, taking in her appearance. Her wavy, shoulder-length almost black hair is piled on top of her head in a messy bun. She’s dressed in those shorts I have always loved that show off her legs.

I follow her to the couch and she pats the spot next to her. Taking the seat, I start to tell her again how sorry I am when she cuts me off.
