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“Sounds good. You finish up here, and Angel should be by soon to help you out and get you set up.”

“Thanks again, Mason.”

He lifts his chin and peels out of my driveway. As I start to go back inside, a cop car slows down in front of my house. I stand there, watching the door open and out steps Officer Thrane. He’s hands down the best-looking man I’ve ever seen in my life, and that includes being better looking than my husband. His light brown hair always looks as if he just rolled out of bed, something Chris would never be caught looking like, as he likes his hair shorter, so there can never be a piece sticking up. Preston’s eyes are also the most unique I’ve ever seen too. Silver. God, that’s hot.

I shake my head and wince. Shit, what is wrong with me? I’m in the middle of leaving my husband, I shouldn’t be thinking about another man.

“How can I help you, Officer?”

“Trixie, babe, I thought I told you to call me Preston.” His voice is husky, as if he’s always in lust when he talks to me.

I blush and slightly giggle. “Preston.”

He smirks at me as he watches me fidget with my hair. “Just came by to see how you were. I know you’ve had a rough time lately, just want to make sure you know I’m here whenever you need a shoulder to cry on.”

I bite my bottom lip.

“Thanks, Preston, but I’m actually leaving town.”

His face goes dark, eyes narrow. “You don’t have to leave town, Trixie, I have an apartment above my garage. You can stay there.”

“I can’t, I need to get away for a while, work on myself, better myself. I can’t do that here, in the same town that he hurt me most in.”

He nods in understanding, and before I know what’s happening, his arms go around me, bringing my body into his, his lips slamming down on mine. As his tongue snakes into my mouth, I moan. Holy shit, can you come just from kissing?

He pulls away from me roughly. “Just had to do that one time at least. Something I’ve wanted for years. I hope you come back, Trix. When you do, I’ll be here waiting.” He stalks off to his car, and I’m left standing on my doorstep staring after him in shock.

What just happened? I touch my fingers to my lips as his patrol car rounds the corner and out of sight.

Chapter 16


Iget home and notice the house is dark and Trixie’s car isn’t in the garage. Maybe she and Lita went to the store. I know the last few months haven’t been the greatest, but I’m sure things will get better. I still can’t convince Trix to allow Lita to call her Mama, nor have I been able to get her to adopt Lita. Says she can’t right now. It kills me every time Lita calls her that and Trix corrects her.

My daughter is desperate for her attention and affection. It breaks my heart. I love Trixie so damn much but my daughter comes first. Sometimes I feel like my wife is jealous of the attention I pay my daughter, but I’m all she has.

As I unlock the front door, something feels wrong. I see a note on the table we put our keys on.


I’m sorry. I tried, I really did. I thought I could give you and your daughter what you needed but every time I look at her it opens that wound. The hole in my heart from losing our daughter, our Lola. I can’t replace her with the child you made with Lacey. No matter what I do, it’s all I can think about every day. I had to put me first. I’m sorry. Lita is at Moira’s. Please don’t come after me. I need you to let me go.


I crumple the note in my hand and go through the house. She really left me. I thought she wanted this to work as much as I do. I know it’s hard for her, it’s hard for me too. I love her, though. When I came in, I thought for sure I would find her and Lita getting along. I thought she was moving past this shit. I thought she wanted to be a mother. Sure, how we got Lita isn’t ideal, but she is still my daughter.

I leave the house quickly, jogging to my car and speed off. Doesn’t take me long to get to the clubhouse and to the side building where the daycare is. I’m stopped before I can go in, though. “Moira took Lita to her place, you can go pick her up from there,” Jasper says. I look at him, taking in his appearance. How does he keep his long beard so neat, and how does he grow it so well? Every time I’ve tried to grow facial hair, I end up with bald patches.

I nod at him. “Where can I find Trixie?”

He shakes his head at me. “You won’t, she’s gone, left town. She wants to move on, and you’re going to let her do that.”

“She’s my wife!” I yell at him.

“Yeah, and you fucked up.” He turns on his heel and heads toward his clubhouse as I take my phone out of my pocket.

Trixie, where the hell are you. I need you to come home– I text and get back in my car, heading towards Moira’s place. I hope like hell Trixie comes back. I don’t know how to do this on my own. I need her. Lita needs her, too. We’re supposed to be a family. How can she just walk away and quit us?
