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Lilly giggles. “It would be a waste of money for you to go to the One Stop and change your cards and stuff back to your maiden name when that man down there plans to make you his wife. Then you’d just have to waste more money to change your name again.”

“This is going too fast.”

“Real men, Trix, real men like Preston don’t fool around,” Moira states. She smirks. She would know being married to Mason.

I look around the room and it just looks like a basic guest room, white walls with a wood trim. I thought it would have more to it, instead of just a closet, queen bed, two end tables and a dresser. But with what Preston said downstairs, it makes sense that it’s so plain. I just don’t know if I’m ready for a man like him.

Chapter 23


I’m with my lawyer at her office signing the divorce papers. I don’t want to but this is what Trixie thinks she wants right now, so I’m going to give it to her. Then once the dust has settled I’m going to pursue her. Date her, start over one hundred percent perfect. This time around, I know things will work out for us. Starting fresh, with no past in our way, just looking to the future.

“There you go. I will get these faxed over to Sam’s office and we’ll submit them to the courts. I’m pretty sure Judge Simm is in on Tuesday next week, so we can get this over quickly.”

“Wow, that soon?”

Ms. Green shrugs. “No point in delaying if everything is signed.”

I nod. I guess this works, the quicker it’s done the quicker I can win her back.

I head back to work and see my boss, Joel, in his office. “Hey, come in,” he says when he sees me at his window.

“Hey man, what’s up?”

“Not much, between trying to hire a new service manager and planning this damn wedding, my brain is fried.” Joel recently got engaged to Della, a woman he was dating on and off for years, but he finally decided to just go for it. Their wedding is in three weeks.

“Any idea why we go through so many service managers? I swear, every week we’re trying to hire a new one.” It’s true, since I started working here nine years ago, we’ve went through service managers like crazy.

“Probably because of the shitty pay. I swear this dealership pays way less than other dealerships in town.” That is true. I’ve thought about leaving and going elsewhere for a while, but I have a good thing here, so I don’t see the point in leaving.

“So, I signed those papers.”

Joel looks at me in shock. “Why? I thought you were going to try and fight it?”

I smile at him. “Who says I’m not? I’ll grant her the divorce, but it doesn’t mean we can’t start over and eventually get re-married.”

Joel looks like he wants to say something but instead just shakes his head. “Well, good luck, man.”

I head out of his office and go to mine, getting caught up with all the orders and other paperwork then clock out early. Gonna go pick up my kid and spend the day with her.

I take her to her favorite park to watch the ducks and feed them some bits of stale bread. She loves animals. I would get her a pet but I don’t have the extra time to commit to the care of one.

I always imagined Trixie would be doing this with us, but that’s okay. I’m going to get her back and she will be with us and everything will fall into place. I’m going to make her see we can be a family.


Hours later, I decide to take Lita out for supper tonight, so we head to the local McDonalds play place. As I get her out of the carseat I hear the giggle that Trixie used to make when we were together. I look up, trying to find her and there she is. My eyes narrow because she’s not alone--she’s holding hands with Officer Twat! What the fuck? Inks not even dry on the divorce papers and she’s out with him?

The more I watch her with him, the more pissed I get, especially when I see him tug her into him and kiss her. I can’t watch this. “Come on Lita, let's go get some fries.”

I take one last look at Trixie and Officer Twat before I open the door to McDonalds and glare at them both. Preston’s head comes up, as if he knows someone is watching him, and his eyes connect with mine. The smug bastard winks and pulls Trixie in tighter to him.

He won’t be so fucking smug when I win her back.


When I get home and after I tuck Lita into bed, I grab a beer and turn on the TV, picking Wrestling, when my phone rings. “Yeah?”

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