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“Babe, you ain’t paying,” I say as I open my front door.

Trixie stares at me in shock and Lilly, Eden, and Moira try to hide their laughter. It didn’t take much convincing to assure the ladies that I wanted Trixie with me, especially with how they saw I didn’t so much as look at another woman since I found out Trixie was leaving Chris.

The last few months the girls were over here helping to spruce my place up, and their husbands came over to help fix the bigger things. I bought this house five years ago. I always wanted to get a fixer upper, but I’ve been slow at getting around to the fixing. The Angels and their women came in handy, and the house was finally finished.

This is the house I will build a family in with Trixie.

What Trixie also doesn’t know is that I got approval from her parents. Jilla and Greg were hesitant at first, not sure if Trixie should be in another relationship so soon after Chris. But I made them realize the day that Lola passed was the beginning of the end for them. It just took Chris and Trixie years to figure it out.

“Wait, what? You mean I’m staying in your garage apartment, right?” Trixie asks. I can see the confusion on her face. She’s cute and so damn sweet.

I smile at her and she blushes. Yeah. Love that blush. “Sorry, babe, but you’ll be in the main house with me.” I bend over and grab the bag she dropped by her feet. “I meant what I said before you left.” I turn and walk back into my house hoping she follows me.

“But, I can’t sleep with you, I’m still technically married, and we aren’t even dating, how can I live with you?” Trixie stutters out.

I drop her bag on my sectional, turn around, and grab her to me. I notice movement around the place but I pay them no attention. “First, we’re gonna start dating. Second, you’re getting divorced, four months or sooner before it’s finalized. Third, I thought it would be stupid for you to find a place of your own when in a month or two you’d be right in this house anyways. And last, until you trust me, until you want to be under me, as I pound into your pussy, you’ll have your own room.” I bite her ear softly and I feel her body shudder.

Am I cocky and sure of myself? Hell yeah, but I’ve been waiting for this day and I’m not letting Trixie slip away from me. She’s meant to be mine. When I kissed her a year ago, that was me staking my claim on her. I knew she’d be back.

“I um,” she stutters.

“How bout it then? Should I show you where you’re sleeping for the time being? And then you can get dressed up and I’ll take you out.”

She stares at me in shock, still not quite sure how to take all this in, and I grin.

“Um, yeah. Okay.” Her voice is all breathy and it makes my dick so damn hard, I have the urge to just take her here and now, not caring that her friends are in my house. I have it in mind to tell them to get out so I can have her, but I don’t want to push. I know this is all sudden and a bit shocking to her, but I want her.

“Good, go follow Lilly, she’ll give you a tour and show you yourtemporaryspace.” I give her a little shove, so she knows she can move and she does.

This is going easier than I thought.

Chapter 22


What on earth just happened? I didn’t act like this with Chris, I wasn’t shy. But the second Preston starts talking to me, I resort back to my cheerleading days as a ditzy blonde and can’t speak. Also, I’m going to need to change my underwear because I’m pretty sure I have flood action going on down there.

“You okay, Trix?” Lilly giggles.

“Um, I think so,” I say, my eyes bugging out. I don’t know what to make of all this. I mean, it’s either super romantic or crazier than hell.

“Preston is a good guy, good cop, and I will just say this … since you left, he’s not even once looked at another woman. He’s been waiting for you to come back.”

Holy shit. “Really?” I breathe out.

“Yes, really. While I don’t think that’s normal, because what guy goes without sex if they aren’t even dating a person, I think it’s hot,” Eden pipes up.

“ButI’mstill married. If I do this with him, won’t that make me a cheater?” Even if I wanted to get Chris back for what he did with Lacey that just isn’t me. When I am with someone, I am with them.

“No way. You and Chris have been separated for a year, plus you’ve already started the divorce process. Technically, you’re single,” Moira says. “When I divorced my first husband, after a year of separation, it only took a month to finalize a divorce once the papers were pushed through. It just depends on how fast all parties sign the paperwork and how soon you can get in front of a judge.”

“Should I go back to my maiden name when this is all over.”

“No!” All three girls shout.

“Okay, why though? We won’t be married, be stupid to still carry his last name.”

Eden sighs. “Did you not hear anything when Preston was talking to you? Or did you just zone out when your panties started getting wet?”
