Page 13 of Always Was Mine

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“Yo, Hangman, some bitch is at the gate causing a scene,” one of the new prospects shouts out across the room.

I check the surveillance and see some chick, heavily pregnant, shrieking at the brother I have guarding the lot. She looks familiar, but I can’t quite place her.

“Send the bitch in. I’ll deal with it.”

Minutes later, the banshee comes in. “Bout damn time, assholes.” She looks up and spots me. “Hangman.” She smiles, saying my name.

“I know you?”

Her face goes from happy to furious. “Do you know me? You better fuckin’ know me. You came through Fredericton several months back?”

“That’s right.” I snap my fingers, remembering. “You’re the bitch I shagged in the clubhouse bathroom. What are you doing here?”

She puts a hand over her swollen stomach. “This, duh,” she replies, as she rubs it. “I’m pregnant.”

I stare at her confused. “And that’s my problem how?”

“It’s yours, asshole!” she yells at me.

I shake my head. “Nope, wore a condom.”

She smirks at me. “Yeah, but I gave you that condom, which, sorry to say, expired years ago. So, surprise.”

Fuckin’ hell. This couldn’t have come at a worse time. Tori and I just had a miscarriage.

“If it’s mine, whatever, I’ll make sure you have a place and cash.”

“No, what you’re gonna do is marry me.”

At those words, I bend over from laughter, slapping my knees. “Yeah, no. Not gonna happen. I’m already married.”

“What!” she screeches.

“Yeah, sorry bitch, you’re too late to milk me for all I got, I’m already hitched.”

She stomps her foot in anger, face going red. “Then Imma go tell her about this, you pig!”

At those words, the whole club goes quiet, and Rage sneaks up behind her, gun out and puts it to her head. “You even think to go to my woman; your brains will be splattered all over the fuckin’ room.”

Her eyes widen, and she stands still with fear, shaking. “I – I,” she stutters.

I mock her, “I- I what?” I say, stepping into her space.

“I won’t say anything, I promise.” She cries out as Rage pushes the gun into her skull harder, his trigger finger feeling twitchy.

“Good, then we won’t have a problem. I’ll set you up in town, place to stay, money for the kid, but you go near my wife, or tell anyone that I’m the father, you’ll be dead.” She nods her head. “Fucking speak when I’m talking to you!” I roar.

“Ye-yes, I understand. I promise, no one will know.”

I step away from her, and Rage lowers his gun. “Put her up in a hotel until we find her a place to live. I want her out of my fuckin’ sight right now.”

Chapter 8


“Aunt Tori, when is Gramma gonna be here?” Rose asks.

“Soon, sweetie,” I say, smiling at her. Lilly had to work early this morning, shuffling clients around so that she could work at Eden’s store in the afternoon. I have yet to go to the diner, but I hear it’s a big hit. It used to be called Momma B’s Bakery, but Eden took over a few years ago and renamed it Eden’s Diner. Simple. And she serves just about everything there.
