Page 14 of Always Was Mine

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Eden told me that until I can find a good teaching position she’d love it if I could help her out, working at the diner as a waitress. I must say, it’s been ten years since I had a waitressing job, but I’m sure it’s like riding a bike.

The principal from my school down in New Brunswick gave me a glowing recommendation, even though she was upset I was leaving. I’m hesitant on applying for work though, because the second I do, I know that Carson will be able to find me quickly.

I just don’t know how I could go without doing the job I love for that long, but I also know I don’t want Carson finding me, or having a full out war with the Angels.

I hear someone open the front door and get up off the couch. “Victoria Marie Jensen, get that butt over here.” I hear Aunt Ann shout.

I smile as she comes around the corner, giving her a giant hug. “How are you? How’s my idiot sister?” Aunt Ann spouts off.

I laugh. “I’m good now that I’m here. And Mom is well. I think, to be honest I’ve not really spoken to her much, considering she’s found another loser boyfriend.” Ever since my father was killed, she’s had deadbeat loser boyfriend after deadbeat loser boyfriend. Only saving grace is the fact they are all better men than my father was. Not one of them has managed to put her in the hospital yet or almost kill her, like my father used to do so many times.

“That woman needs a damn brain in her head. How could she have such shitty tastes in men, when she had our daddy as a father?” I heard all about grandpa from Aunt Ann over the years, sometimes from Mom herself, when she was drunk enough, how loving and gentle and kind he was.

Sighing, I give Aunt Ann a sad smile. Part of me wonders if that’s why I ended up with Carson. Watching my mother have an extremely abusive marriage to my dad, and then every single boyfriend afterwards, it sort of became the norm, relationship wise, to me. I think it’s why I put up with the abuse and cheating for so long with Carson. When I decided to leave him, I also decided to leave my mother. She is just as toxic as he is.

“Anyways,” Aunt Ann interrupts my thoughts, and I feel bad for not paying attention to her when she was talking. “Eden and Lilly talked, Lilly doesn’t need to work at the diner because she has her own job, she only filled in to help out. Now that you are here, and we don’t need that husband of yours coming to town, you will take over for Lilly, so she can start booking clients at the salon in the afternoons again. I know it’s not the job you want, but Eden will pay you under the table and tada, no paper trail.”

I smile. “That actually sounds great. Sucks I won’t be teaching but it’s something at least.”

She smiles back at me. “Good, but you will also still be a teacher. I have a few friends with grandchildren that need extra help, so you work the diner in the afternoons and three days a week you have tutoring.”

My brows shoot up and I tease her trying not to laugh, “Do I get a say in any of this?”

Aunt Ann narrows her eyes at me and flares her nostrils in anger. Uh oh. “No, you do not. If I had known years ago that you got caught up in that fuckwad’s life, I would have done something about it. But you didn’t tell anyone. So now, you do what I say. We’re gonna get rid of that dick for you, and I’m going to work on finding you a good man. Once that’s done, you can then decide for yourself when and where you will work.”

“Okay, gee, when did you get so bossy, Auntie?”

“Being around the club and the late Mrs. Shepard so often theses last years, I’ve had to get bossy, otherwise I’d never get my way.”

I laugh. “I love you, Aunt Ann, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about my problems.” Truth is, I knew I screwed up when I married Carson, big time, and I didn’t want her to be disappointed in me.


“We’ll ride out in ten,” Zippo says as he gets up from his chair. Angel usually handles rescue and protection details, but since Eden just had the kid, he’s staying home this time.

“Got it.” I nod as I move to pack my bag for the case.

Reaper looks pissed, as usual, about this case. It’s almost worse than Cori and Melissa’s case. I wasn’t with them at that time, but I was around for the night terrors Cori would have. I’d lay with her, sometimes, Angel would too, until she calmed down. Having to hear about the shit they did to her, what they made Melissa watch, made me wish I could murder them.

This case is about the same. Except it’s the fucker’s own kids he’s raping. The mother finally had enough, calling us in to help. We’re meeting the local cops and a social worker friend to go in and get them out without problems. Three little girls, under ten years old, and the mother. All being saved from that monster.

“Sometimes, I wish the old club ways were still in effect, so I could kill sons of bitches like this fuck,” Reaper growls as he storms out to his bike.

Don’t blame him. He’s been a moody bastard for a week now, he was on a case a few weeks back and ended up saving a pregnant teenager from a beating. Her pimp was pissed to find out she was pregnant, and tried to kill the child. Reaper stepped in, and brought her back. She’s due in a few months, and is looking at adoption, she’s only sixteen, doesn’t want the responsibility of a child. Moira stepped in and told Reaper they would be adopting the child themselves.

A month later that pimp turned up dead, and we all know it was Reaper that ended his life, even though he won’t admit it.


“Trev, you go around back, Zippo, you take the left, Scraper take the right, I’ll go in direct,” Reaper says from our spot down the road.

I watch as a few patrol cars come down the road and stop behind our bikes. We had to call them in case shit goes south. Most of the time we have an issue with the cops because they want to do their job and for us to stay out of it. But the system is flawed, it’s why most domestic cases, and cases such as this don’t often get called in to the police. More than half the time nothing is done about it.Fuck, a few years ago, a guy only got six months for stabbing his girlfriend, and when he got out, went and finished the job. The fucker’s life sentence was only ten years, and he could be out in three. Our government seriously needs to fix that shit.

“What do you need us to do?” one of the officers asks.

“Just wait here, we’re casing the place, going in from all sides, once we have him we’ll bring him out to you,” Reaper replies.

“Sounds good, we know you guys are good at this stuff, we’ll just wait here until it’s done,” the second officer says. We’ve worked with these two a handful of times, so they don’t give us any trouble when we tell them what to do.

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