Page 31 of Always Was Mine

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“I’m not sleeping in the same bed as you, so I’ll be in the second bedroom.”

I grab her arm and pull her away from that bedroom. “For fuck sake, stop this shit.”

“Fuck you, Carson.”

I let her arm go. “Fuck this shit, sleep wherever the fuck you want, I’ll be at the clubhouse.” I stalk back down the hall. “If you’re thinking of leaving this fucking house, think again. I got boys outside watching all exits.”


“Hey, Hangman, how’d it go at home?” Rage asks as I step into the clubhouse.

“How do you fuckin’ think?” I go to the bar and grab a bottle of Jack.

“Just forget about that shit tonight, grab a bitch and go fuck your bad mood out.”

I take a large chug from the bottle. “Sounds like a good idea. I’m in the mood for someone new.”

“Penny brought a new girl in today, go find her.”

I spot Penny, holding hands with a hot blonde and smirk. Oh yeah, just what I need. “Penny, who’s your new friend?” I ask her as she walks over to me.

“This is Stacia. Stacia, this is Hangman, club president, and the best fuck you’ll ever have,” Penny tells her.

“She know the rules yet?”

“Yes, she does, I went over them with her earlier, she’s all for it.”

“How she feel about eatin’ pussy?”

“She prefers it actually, but does love dick too.” Penny winks at me. “Almost as much as me.”

“Good. I want you both.” I pull the girls to me, kissing them each, then making them kiss each other. Fuck yeah, my dick is begging to be let out for some fun right now. “Follow me.”

Chapter 18


It hasn’t been easy being back, hating every minute of it. I talked to Lilly once since I left, and I just assured her everything was fine and I knew what I was doing. She didn’t believe me, and said if I don’t keep in contact, she’d send Reaper down to handle things for me. I tried not to ask about Trevor, but I couldn’t help myself. Lilly just told me that no one has talked to him, he wasn’t leaving his house, nor was he letting anyone in. I finally told her everything, but I made her promise to not tell Trevor the truth. She tried to fight me on that, but since we were family, she finally relented and promised. Since then I just text her once a day just to say hi, letting her know I’m okay.

I’m hoping like hell I can find a way out for good, I can’t live this life, not when I want and need Trevor. I have nothing for me here. Not anymore. My mom tried stopping by a few times but I slammed the door in her face, once she started going on about how ashamed she was of me, leaving poor Carson. I flat out just told her she had no right to be in my life, considering all the pieces of shit men she brought home all the time, that at least I was trying to make sure I had a better life for myself.


Two weeks later, I wake up and rush to the bathroom. I don’t understand why I’m throwing up so much, I’ve barely eaten anything since I’ve been back. After emptying my already empty stomach I go to the sink and grab a face cloth to clean up. Opening the medicine cabinet, I stare at my expired birth control, oh shit. I’mlate. I go back to the bedroom and get dressed quickly and brush my hair, not bothering to try and straighten it, I don’t care if I look like shit right now. As I open the front door, I’m blocked.

“Sorry, but no. Hangman said you were to stay in the house.”

“I just want to go to the grocery store. That’s all.”

He pulls out his phone and after a minute, he nods his head.

“I’m to follow you.” I shrug and take off. I hate having a friggin’ watch dog following my every move. Until I know what’s going on, I can't have Hangman finding out. I feel like I can’t even wipe my own ass these days without asking permission first.

I get in my car, on the passenger side, since the guy guarding me said he was driving. This is such bullshit.

I grab a shopping cart and chuck a few things in so I can hide the tests in between other stuff. Just as I’m about to head towards the checkout I’m stopped by Megan. I haven’t seen her since she punched me at the clubhouse.

“Hey there, Vicky, doing some shopping I see.” I clench my teeth and just nod. “Me too, I’m also babysitting little Emily here. Isn’t she a doll.” I look down and notice she has Carson’s daughter with her. “Say hi, Emily. This is your daddy’s wife.”
