Page 32 of Always Was Mine

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“I know you, you were my teacher,” Emily says smiling up at me, Carson’s eyes staring up at me, shining bright.

My mouth goes dry and I just nod, giving her a tight smile. “Nice to see you, I should get going.” I try to maneuver around them but Megan steps in front of my cart.

“You have no reason to be in a hurry, Carson won’t be home tonight, there’s a party, and he always stays all night for those. Especially with Penny and the new girl. I’ve had to wear earplugs every time in the last week I’ve slept over there. Hereallyenjoys those girls, if you know what I mean.” She sends me a cruel smile and a wink.

Fuck her. “That’s nice. I don’t give a shit. I’d rather be dead than to have that bastard touch me again. So it’s good he’s getting it elsewhere,” I finally snap at her, not caring there was a little girl standing with her.

She’s taken back by my tone. “Someone grew balls while they were gone.”

“Screw you, Megan. Now move, I’m leaving.”


The next morning, first thing, I take the test, and then another, the results are all the same. I’m pregnant. I’m pregnant with Trevor’s baby. I don’t know how I’m going to tell Carson. I think back to the babies I lost before, and tears sting my eyes, I hope to God this baby makes it. I need this baby, if I can never have Trevor again, I need this as my connection to him.

I hide the test sticks in the trash can in the kitchen and search the fridge for something to eat. Before I can pull out the eggs and bacon I hear the sound of a key at the front door.Shit,Carson is probably home.

I ignore it and set my items on the counter to grab a frying pan.

A woman’s voice greets me, “Morning.”

I turn and stare at her, confused. “Um hi? What are you doing in my house?”

“Megan let me in, she told me to clean the place for ya. Said you’ve been down in the dumps.”

“Where is Megan? And who exactly are you?”

“Megan is in the living room, setting little Emily up to watch some cartoons, and I’m Penny.” Her tits are practically falling out of her shirt, her long blonde hair reaches the top of her huge chest, and her skirt is so short, I swear I can see her crotch. She’s not wearing panties.

This is the type of bitch Carson likes?

“You’ve got to be fucking shitting me.” I shout, “Get the fuck out of my house!”

Penny jumps, shocked that I’m yelling at her but she doesn’t move.

“Did you not hear me, you fucking bitch? Get the fuck out of my house!”

She bites her lip nervously. “Sorry, no can do, I take my orders from Megan.”

I grab the house phone and call up Carson. “Vicky?” he answers, shocked I’m calling him.

“Come and get Megan, your daughter, and this fucking slut Penny out of my fucking house!” I scream. “How dare you think it’s okay to bring your fucking whores into my god damned house. You were always a piece of shit, Carson, but this is too damn far.”

“What the fuck are they doing there?” he shouts over the line.

“How should I know? Megan has a key, she just walked in here, and they are all refusing to leave.”

“The prospect should have stopped them from entering, I’ll deal with him when I get there. Give me ten.” He hangs up and I put the phone back.

I’m not dealing with this shit, so I go back to my bedroom and slam the door shut.


“Fucking bitch!” I shout once I hang up. “Sorry, Stacia, gotta get to the Old Lady, I’ll finish you next time, I promise.” She pouts and sends me a wink as I wipe her pussy juices off my face and head out to find Rage. “Rage, why the fuck is your old lady carting my kid around? And why the fuck is she taking the bitches I fuck into my house around Vicky?”

His head snaps up and he goes from confused to pissed. “I have no fucking clue, but I’ll find out.”

We both leave the clubhouse, speeding home. Getting off my bike, the prospect is sitting on the top step, smoking. “Why the fuck you let those bitches into my house?” I ask him.

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