Page 11 of Twisted Up In Us

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I’ve snuck into this club many times with friends, my sister Cori, or men I’m out on dates with. At first it wasn’t much of a thing for me, have a few drinks, dance, then leave. But a month ago, a new bouncer was added to the place. He goes by Monster, I can see why. Huge hulking black man that looks scary as hell. But damn if my panties don’t get soaked every single time I look at him.

Sure, I might have found myself a crushing on the guy, but I don’t think he likes me much. Every time I try to flirt with him, all he does is glare at me. Well, at least the last time he saw me anyways, the other few times he looked at me as if he wanted to eat me.

As I’m dancing with Morgan, a friend from school, a hand comes down on my arm. I’m spun around and stare up into the face of Monster. Shit, he looks furious.

“Can I help you?” I yell over the music.

“Yeah, you can get the fuck out.”

Narrowing my eyes, I return his daggered glare. “And why would I do that?”

“Because you’re under age. Fuckin’ Jailbait. We don’t need this place shut down.”

Damn, I knew I would probably get caught for this at some point. Randy, the owner of this bar, most likely figured it out, since he’s been screwing my sister on and off for a while.

“Legal age next week, dick head. What’s the big deal?” I argue, trying to throw his arm off me, but he’s not budging. I try to make him leave me alone, but he’s not having it, and he’s obviously too strong for me to fight off, so I give in, letting him drag me through the club and out the back door.

I look behind me before the door shuts and don’t see Morgan following, that bitch.

“Don’t come back until you are actually eighteen,” Monster says, towering over me.

“Oh, fuck you. Randy doesn’t care. He’s banging my sister.”

He steps further into my space, and I stand my ground. “He does care, why do you think it’s me dragging you out and not him? He doesn’t wanna piss off your sister.”

He’s so close, I can practically feel his lips on my face as he talks so near to my mouth. Obviously, I’m not thinking straight, because one minute he’s giving me a long ass lecture, then the next, I’m grabbing him and kissing him with all I have. He’s big, scary, and oh so damn sexy.

His hands go around me, to my waist, then move to my ass, giving me a squeeze. As his tongue touches mine. I moan, oh god, he’s an amazing kisser. But my moan must have snapped him back into reality, because now I’m being shoved away.

“Fuck!” he hollers. “That shouldn’t have happened. You’re fucking seventeen, jailbait.”

He doesn’t bother to look at me as he goes back into the club, leaving me standing outside alone.

Maybe I’m not the only one with a crush after-all. I rub my lips still feeling his kiss.

Chapter 9


I pull up to my brother’s offices and notice that almost every officer on the force is here. Everyone is coming out with their arms loaded with boxes, probably all the paperwork that’s in there. As soon as I see Matt being led out in cuffs, I get out of my truck and slam the door shut, leaning against it.

He sees me and his eyes narrow. I give him a smug grin and open my jacket, so he can see my badge.

He yells, “You son of a bitch! You did this!”

“Sure did,” I say with a shrug.

“You won’t find shit! This is just revenge because I fucked your wife and fathered the kids you thought were yours.” He sneers as the cops holding him bring him closer.

“Better watch what you say. Monster here is a good buddy of ours and our team leader. We would be more than happy to look the other way if he decided to break your neck right here,” Locke states, using my nickname and giving me a wink.

They start to put him into their cruiser when I lean down so he can see my face. “Layla knows everything now, just so you know. All the women, the other kids you fathered, all of it. She’ll be ruining you more than I already have,” I pause and grin. “You have a good day now and don’t drop the soap.”

Locke and Stax chuckle as the door gets shut. Matt looks pissed as he shouts and kicks at the door.

“Captain says he’s going to be held without any bail possibilities. Also, be on the lookout for an angry black woman because she’ll be filing for divorce first thing in the morning. If you could help her out to speed the process up, that would be the best thing ever,” I tell them and walk away. As I get to my truck, I pause and turn back. “Place an anonymous call into CPS, tell them to head over to Shayla’s.” I was gonna leave the kids with Shayla, leave her out of this, but now I’m handing over everything I have with her name on it, too. “Already talked to Matt's wife, Layla, her cousin. She is more than happy to have custody of those kids.” I hand him the folder I kept out of this investigation, everything they’ll need to lock Shayla up is in it.
