Page 12 of Twisted Up In Us

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They both nod and Locke looks as if he’s in his glory, he hates Shayla almost more than I ever did.

“Where you off to now?” Stax asks.

“I’m going to make sure the divorce goes through then I’m going to get back my woman and kid.” I slam my truck door closed as I hop in and start it up.

I’m going to get Melissa back, and I don’t care how dirty I must play to win.


I pull into the Angels Warriors compound and get out. I see the men coming outside instantly, all glaring at me. I have a feeling before I can say what I need to say, they’ll want to get in a few punches, and I don’t blame them.

“We need to talk.”

“Fuckin’ right we do, but we also have the right to kick your fuckin’ face in before that!” Reaper shouts at me.

“Calm down, Reaper, we’ll hear him out, and if we don’t like what he has to say, we’ll let you at him,” Angel says calmly, still glaring at me, being the voice of reason.

I notice Trevor isn’t with the guys, but I wasn’t expecting him. Since he has Tori back, he’s probably not left her side once. The guy was torn apart for months when Tori left him, just like I’m feeling now.

I follow them inside and take a seat at the table in the common room, furthest away from them, so I can say everything I need to without a random fist in my face.

“My name is Drayton Jacob Hante, I’m an undercover police officer for the Red Deer police.” At this announcement all the men look shocked as fuck. Obviously, they already knew my name. “I’ve been undercover for years, never once have been ousted. I worked as a bouncer, as you know, to help take down a drug ring. Not even my ex-wife knew I was a cop. Thought I was a low life who just worked shitty jobs wherever I could.”

At the mention of Shayla, they all go back to glaring at me.

“I divorced Shayla years ago, except I found out I was lied to, and a false divorce decree was mailed to me instead of her actually filing the damn papers. I’m not a deadbeat dad. They aren’t my kids. The bitch cheated on me, but I forgave her, until the girl I thought was my daughter almost died. It came out that both my children were fathered by my brother. As soon as I knew that, I left and never went back. Yes, it’s still shitty of me to have left two small kids the way I did. But I couldn’t be around them because it killed me too much. At the time they were too young to understand that I wasn’t their father.”

I take a breath, as the air in the room settles. “I love Melissa, she’s the love of my life. She thinks all this awful shit about me, and I get it, I could have at least told her about Shayla and the kids, but it was a hurt I didn’t want to dredge up. And until last month, I couldn’t say anything about my real job because I was still undercover at the club. I couldn’t risk my cover being blown. But now I don’t give a shit. I told my boss I was done with undercover, if it means letting Melissa have and know all of me, it’s what I gotta do.”

“Fuck, man, you could have told us,” Zippo shouts as he bangs his fist on the table.

“I thought about it, but could any of you have kept it to yourselves and not tell the women? The women who would have told Melissa, and then she would have told Cori, who has a huge mouth.” I give them a smirk.

Gavin laughs. “He’s got a point. But thing is, if Hangman finds out you’re a cop…....” He trails off, shaking his head.

“I’ve already told my boss, anything to do with the Untamed MC I can’t have a part of because the pres is my damn father-in-law. So Hangman doesn’t have to worry about me in his club, I just want Melissa.”

Reaper walks around the table, stopping in front of me, and his fist slams into my face.“Fuck.”I wasn’t expecting that.

“You deserved that. It was for hurting Melissa. Never should have not told her about the ex-wife shit. She would have understood it. Stop bein’ a damn pussy and get her back, I miss her around here, and now she’s on the other side of the damn country. Fuck that.” He hands me a slip of paper with an address on it and I smile. “You go get our girl back. Make her listen to you. Sure, she’ll be pissed at first, probably won’t hear you out, but you make her.”

Chapter 10


I wake up to noise in the kitchen and check the time, ten a.m.Damn it!I slept in. I bolt out of bed and go find Mikayla. She’s not in her room. Running into the kitchen she’s there, playing the drums with my dad and three other men on the floor with pots and pans.

“Uh, hi,” I say, waving awkwardly.

“Thought I’d let you sleep in, but once she found these, couldn’t keep the noise down,” Carson tells me with a smile.

I smile. “Uh, cool. Thank you. I feel great today. I’m just going to go and get some clothes on,” I say, suddenly remembering I’m only in a tee shirt and panties, and there are strange men around.

“Look at her again, your heads will be hanging on the wall inside the clubhouse, you fucks. Did you not hear what I said last night?”

“Sorry, brother, but she’s hot.” I hear one man say.

Then a grunt. “Fuck, man, don’t punch me in the face, I need this to get into Anara’s pants.”

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