Page 40 of Twisted Up In Us

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God, this hurts. “Why the fuck won’t you give me all the drugs?!” I scream at the nurse that just walked into the room.

“I’m sorry, but it seems everyone in the city is giving birth today, and we only have one anesthesiologist on staff this evening.”

Cori must know I’m about to go off on this nurse because she gets in my face. “Just breathe damn it. Seriously. You’re giving me a headache.” The moment those words are out of her mouth she pales and backs away.

“Giving you a headache? I’m giving you a headache?”

She puts her hands up. “It got you from going fucking psycho on the nurse!”

She has a point. “Where the fuck is Dray?”

“He’s getting a bite to eat with Blake, remember. You’ve been screaming for the last four hours, and not fully ready to push yet, so he needed a damn break. Plus, I think during one of your contractions, you sprained his hand.”

“Serves him right, stupid bastard did this to me in the first place.”

“You ever gonna marry him?”

Dray has asked me repeatedly during the pregnancy to marry him, but I say no each time. I want to marry him, but being a pregnant bride wasn’t something I ever wanted. Now that I’m having the baby, the next time he asks me, I’m going to say yes. But even then, I want to wait. I want to be together without being pregnant. I want to knock off all this baby weight I gained. That’s not too much to ask for is it? If he loves me and is serious about marrying me, he’ll agree.

“Mother fucker!” another stupid contraction pulls me out of my wedding thoughts. “I need those god damned drugs now!”

The nurse I screamed at earlier comes back in and takes a look. “Oh, I’m just going to go get the doctor.”

I turn to Cori, who is wiping a cold wet cloth on my face. “What’s that mean?”

“I think it’s time. I’m gonna get the guys back up here. When it’s time to start pushing, do you want it to be just you and Dray?”

“No, I need you here too.”

“Then I’ll stay. I’ll be right back, I’m just going to let everyone know.”

Ten minutes later in comes my doctor with Dray and Cori behind him.

Doctor Gregg claps his hands. “It’s time.”

Dray and Cori stand on each side of me.

“Wait, it can’t be time, I need the drugs!”

“No can do. The Anesthesiologist got pulled into a surgery, and this baby is ready.”

“Dray, I can’t do this.” I sob.

“Babe, you can do anything.”

“After this you’re not gonna love me anymore. My vagina is going to be loose and gross, looking like a nasty ass burger from Arby’s.”

Cori snorts and I twist my head to glare at her.

“It’s legit gonna be like throwing a giant sausage down a double wide hallway. We’ll never be able to have sex again. Neither one of us will feel it.”

Dray’s lips twitch and he shakes his head. “Stop. Everything will be perfect. Now bring my baby into the world.”

With Cori and Dray by my side, I do just that.

And now we’re both cleaned up, while I hold our beautiful little girl in my arms.

“Daddy, wanna hold her?” I smile up at Dray and hold her out to him.
