Page 41 of Twisted Up In Us

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He wipes a tear from under his eye and takes her from me. God, there is nothing more beautiful than seeing a man hold his child for the first time.

Chapter 34


A week later

Having to tell Dray about my pregnancy was hard. His reaction was so much different than Caden’s. It has me questioning everything. Part of me wants to take a step away from both men, but the thought of being away from Caden has me physically in pain.

I haven’t heard from Dray in a week, he sees Mikayla every other day, but he goes through my dad to do so. It’s weird, and I feel somewhat wrong that I haven’t really missed him.

Caden, on the other hand, has been here constantly, and we even went to my doctor’s appointment together.

Right now, Mikayla and Caden are at the park, it’s just me at home. Which is good because I’m about to video chat with my sister, I just really need her advice, maybe she can help me out.

“Hey lil sissy, what’s shaking,” Cori says, huge smile on her face.

“Everything,” I tell her as I hold back my tears.

“Start talking. You know you can talk to me about anything.”

So I do. I tell her all about Caden and how amazing he’s been. Then I tell her about Dray and what’s been going on, finishing off with telling her I’m pregnant and how the men reacted.

“I’m a slut, aren’t I?”

Cori glares at me. “How can you be a slut when you were up front and both men knew? That doesn’t make you a slut. Don’t let me hear that shit come outta your mouth again. Now, as for the men, it’s clear to me who you want, Melissa. You and Dray have history, a child, but your relationship has always been a shitty one. Hell, the first time he fucked you, he fucked another chick minutes later, like you meant nothing. Then it turns out he had a wife with two kids; although, they ended upnotbeing his kids, but still. Then, of course, his lie about his job. Your whole relationship has been a struggle. But you two powered through and eventually got your shit together. But ask yourself this, can you see a future without Caden? A good man that has never once lied to you, that treats your daughter like his own, a man that puts you first.”

My chest aches. “No,” I say softly. “It hurts to think about that.”

“There you go, you have your answer, because you’ve never felt that way about Dray. He's a good man. He has his moments anyways, but he’s not your forever.”

She’s right, Dray is my past. We’ll always have a relationship because of our daughter, but Caden is my future. It’s a future I don’t want to let go of.

“Thank you, Cori, now that’s out of the way, hold up my nephew! I wanna see him!”

She laughs and leaves the screen to get him. When she comes back, I can’t help but stare at him, he looks so much like Cori, it’s sort of creepy. “Andrew Jasper. Meet your Auntie Melly.”

“Aww, So adorable! And you named him after Angel? What’d he think of that?”

“Don’t tell anyone, but he totally teared up. But I wouldn’t have named him anything else. Angel and the club saved us, raised us, hell, Trevor is your Uncle, so it’s the least I could do.”

We talk a little longer and finally hang up when I realize the time. Today I go over a color scheme and design patterns for my restaurant that is finally built. Now just the inside needs to get all done up, and I’ll be ready for business.

Once I’m finished with this meeting, I’m going to see Dray and let him know we're over for good. Caden is the man I need and want in my life, and every day he proves how much I mean to him, as well as Mikayla.

Chapter 35


Marcus slams a file down on my desk. “Got something on those Jacks Devils finally, need you on this as soon as you can. Warrants are all there, pick a team and get out.”

Nodding I flip the case file open. Thumbing through the pages, I try to focus, except all I can think about is how Melissa told me last night we were done. Said she couldn’t imagine a life without her precious fucking Caden.

That bastard is the only thing standing between me and the family I am supposed to have. Melissa was supposed to be mine, but he got in the way. Spouting his bullshit about how no matter what, this baby she carries will be his. Guy comes off as a goodie fucking two shoes but looking at his record I know he’s not. There has to be a way to get him out of Melissa’s life and her back into mine.

After the shit I went through with my brother, I won’t raise another man's’ child, I can’t go through that shit again. Honestly, I don’t even want to know who the father is. Shit cuts too damn deep. My wounds are still wide open from the kids I had to walk away from. But Melissa is crazy if she thinks I am giving her and my daughter up so easily. No. I want Slammer gone. For good. Maybe even six feet under.

Slamming the files shut, I assemble my team and we leave. Half an hour later, we’re pulling through the Jacks Devils compound gates.
