Page 42 of Twisted Up In Us

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Before I fully make it out of my car door, shots are being fired.

Crouching down behind my door, I shout out, “Put your weapons down.”

I hear another officer radio back to the station that shots are fired, and we’ll have to return fire. I peek to the side and take aim, shooting one of the club members in the leg. Instantly, he drops to the ground in pain, but it doesn’t stop him from just firing wildly around the compound.

“They aren’t gonna stop shooting at us, what do we do?” Officer Dunlop shouts at me from his spot behind his squad car.

“Has someone called in for backup?” I ask.

“Yeah, they should be here—” He’s cut off, and I look back at him, to see blood pooling in his mouth.

“Officer Down! I repeat Officer Down,” I say into my radio. Fuck this isn’t going the way it was supposed to.

“Backup is en route, hold them off the best you can.”

I look around and fire off a shot at anyone wearing a biker cut. I don’t see their faces, I pretend they are that bastard, Slammer, who stole my family right out from under me.

I crouch-walk over to Dunlop to see if I can find the bleeding to stop it, and realize he was shot in the back. “Fuck! We’re surrounded,” I shout to the other officers as gunfire continues to pop off all around me. There is nowhere to dig in for safety. My car is shot up and there is no cover to get behind unless I hide beneath Dunlop’s body.

I watch as two more of my men get taken out, and quickly stand up and start firing at anyone I can hit. If I’m going out, I’m gonna take as many of these fuckers as I possibly can with me. I won’t go out hiding like a coward. I took an oath and I will uphold it.

Searing pain takes over, as bullets enter my flesh, that’s all I can feel right now. I notice the blood pouring to the ground as I drop to my knees. I can taste it in my mouth as it fills up. As the darkness takes over me, my last thoughts are of my daughter. Her sweet smile. Hearing her calling me Daddy. The day she was born. It all flashes through my mind as I drop to the ground. I’m going to miss her sweet smell. All I can think is how I’m going to miss her growing up, her wedding, and how I’ll never get to tell her I love her ever again. My eyes flutter as I hear sirens in the distance. A hand reaches down and pulls my head back, as I choke on my own blood.

The bastard smiles smugly at me as a blurry haze clouds my vision.

A Jacks Devil looks me in the eyes and then there is nothing as he slices my throat.

Chapter 36


Melissa and I are on the couch, watching a documentary about some serial killer, when her phone rings.

“Hello?” She answers. “Yes, this is she.”

Her face pales, and she drops the phone.

“What’s wrong?” I ask, pulling her into me.

Tears fall down her face, and I can’t keep up with wiping them away.

“It’s Dray, he’s dead,” she says brokenly, choking on her words.

I kiss the top of her head. “I’m so sorry, Melissa. I’m so sorry, baby.”

“This is all my fault. This morning, the last thing I told him was that I chose you, and now he’s dead. I did this,” she sobs into my chest.

My heart feels full, happy, wanting to burst to know she chose me. “Melissa, this isn’t your fault. What did they say on the phone?”

“That he was working a case, and the whole team was gone.”

I know exactly what happened. Hangman called it. The Jacks Devils took him out. This makes me wonder if Hangman will go after them harder now, or if he’ll just let it go. We got what we wanted out of the situation, but for Melissa we’ll have to do something or at least say we will.

“They want me to identify the body, I guess I was listed as his next of kin.”

“You don’t have to do that, I can do it.”

“Really?” She sniffles. “Are you sure? I don’t think I want to see him like that.”

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