Page 26 of Derek

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As soon as he pulls me in,the smell hits me. William wears the same cologne my father did. I instantly squeeze my eyes shut and all of a sudden, I’m ten years old again. I know that I need to try to stay in the present, but it doesn’t work. I feel the rough, calloused hands roaming over my body. His weight pressing me into the mattress. I taste my father’s lips on mine.

Iforcefully jerk away from William, and drop to the floor while beginning to chant. “Go away. Go away. Go away!”

“Now Rylie, you know better. Get over here.” Dad says as he follows me down the hall.

“Dad, please don’t.” I beg.

He gets close to me and pushes me backwards until I’m on the bed. I see Mummy look at us, then walk out of the room, closing the door behind her. How could she just leave me alone? I close my eyes as my father undresses me and lies on top of me. All I can smell is his cologne.

“Open your eyes Rylie.” Dad demands, but I don’t listen. I can’t look at him. He slaps me across the face and tells me to look at him. I still don’t.

I feel someone pulling me up and taking me out of my memories, but I still have my eyes closed. “Rylie, babe, it’s ok. What’s wrong?” Derek says hugging me. His voice sends my father from my head. I open my eyes and look up at Derek.

“I’mso sorry. It was just... He smells like him.” I try to explain, but the word father will not pass my lips.

Elizabeth walks over to us and places her hand on my arm. I’m still shaking and crying when I look up at her.

“It’s okay, Rylie.” She says with a sad smile.

“Sure, it’s okay. I’ll just take another shower. Was it my cologne or the soap?” William asks, like my reaction was the most normal thing in the world.

“Cologne.” I whisper without looking at him.

“Fine. That shit is going in to the trash.” He says as he walks out of the room.

After I calm down, I look up and William is gone. Derek and Elizabeth are looking at me like I might break, so I take a deep breath and pull away from Derek. “Come on, we have a party to get ready for.”

As we head out to the patio, I see that his Mum has set up at least four different tables with all kinds of food and drinks. The first table is loaded with chips and dip, and what looks to be mini sandwiches. The second table has an arrangement of fruit and vegetables, while the third and fourth tables have drinks; one with alcohol and the other for people that prefer a non-alcoholic beverage.

I try to ask Elizabeth if she needs any help with anything, but she insists that she is fine and keeps pushing me to the couch to sit with Derek. After the third and final time of trying to help her, I give up and sit by Derek. Wincing as I sit down, I can feel that my side is already turning purple from the fall, but I don’t want Derek to make a big deal out of it. I never want him to look at my stomach again.

Even though everyone has avoided talking about what happened earlier,I know that they are going to eventually start asking questions about my freak out. Right now I’m crossing my fingers that hopefully, they will get so busy they won’t even remember to ask until I’m already gone..

It isn’t long before people start to arrive, most of which are family, but I do notice that Connor and few other people from Derrick’s office are here. Everyone seems to be really nice, and even though I don’t really know them, they shower me with compliments on my artwork and unique style. As kind as their words are, I still feel a little uncomfortable around most of his friends and family, so for most of the party, I quietly stick by Derek’s side.

I also had achance to finally meet Derek’s birth parents. Mary and Frank Fleming are such down to earth people, and the funny thing is, they act almost like Elizabeth and William.

As the party starts to die down, I notice Elizabeth beginning to clean up. She is carrying some dirty dishes inside, buton her way back to the sliding glass door, she is stopped by another woman. Even from a distance, I can tell that it’s an important conversation, so I go over and take the dishes away from her and take them inside of the house. I am just placing the last dish into the sink when hands grab me around the waist.

I try to pull away, but he jerks me in even closer, and leans down to whisper in my ear. “I know the truth about you and Derek. You two aren’t dating. You’re just friends.”

I try to pull away again, and he finally lets me go. “That is none of your business.”

Connor laughs. “You’re right. I would still fuck you, even if you were with him.”

I don’t even respond. I just turn away and rush out to the patiowith my heart racing and feeling like I’m about to get sick. Derek sees me as soon as I walk out, and comes over to ask what’s wrong. I want to tell him about Conner, but I’m not sure there is anything really to tell. Yes, Connor is a pig, but he didn’t really do anything terrible, so I just shake my head. “Nothing. Just a little tired.”

“Come on. Let’s go back out to tell everyone bye, and then well head home. Ok?” Derek starts walking ahead of me, but stops and puts his hand out for mine. I hesitate at first, but without any more thinking, I grab his hand. We walk out together while a few people look at us. They’re all smiling at me and it makes me start to feel more at ease. Derek pulls me closer, but suddenly, the hairs on my arm rise. I feel my body tightening as I look to the side of me and see Connor standing there drinking his beer. His eyes are filled with desire, and something else, something not right.

Within moments, Derek has said his goodbyes and we are on our way home. I hated that we left the party so early, but I am glad to be away from Connor. We make small talk on the way to my house, but Derek can already tell that something is wrong with my mood. He even asks me again, but I change the subject. When we finally pull up to my house, he walks me to the door, and waits for me to invite him in.

“Come on in. I have something for your birthday.” I say as I walk through the door, then make my way upstairs to grab his present. When I get back to the living room, I find Derek sitting on the couch, so I head over and lay the gift on his lap.

“You know you didn’t have to get me anything.” He says, as he starts to tear off the paperof the small blue box. Honestly, I’m a little nervous about him opening his gift, because I didn’t know what get him. When he opens the box, he pulls out the envelope inside. Opening the envelope, he pulls out a pair of tickets then looks up at me with a smile on his face.

“You got me tickets to seethe Screaming Jets?”

“Yeah. You mentioned you really liked them, and they are going to be in town next month, so I got two tickets, and if you want to… we could go together. I mean, I thought…” I end with a shrug, and start to second guess my gift choice.
