Page 39 of Derek

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Instead of freaking out, Rylie is getting ice from the freezer. She dumps a bunch on a dishtowel and rushes back to me. She grabs the hand that I used to beat her father with and places the ice on it before looking up at me. “I am so glad that you were here. I could not have handled them without you. Just knowing you were standing beside me gave me the strength to stand up to them for the first time in my life.”

She reaches up and gives me a soft kiss on the lips. “Thank you, baby.”



Elizabeth and William left shortly after my parents did, making sure they left town and wouldn’t come back. They said they’d call us later. I look to Derek, sitting beside me on the couch. I can’t help but smile. I’ve never had anyone fight for me before. I’ve had a few friends in high school that didn’t even blink or say a word when I’d show up with cuts and bruises all over me. As soon as I started saying things about my parents, in front of Derek, he beat the shit out of my Dad. I don’t agree with violence, not with everything that has happened to me, but my father deserved it. And seeing Derek as pissed andas upset as he was with my father, it makes me fall even more for this man.

I snuggle into his side, and he wraps his arms around me. I feel his lips touch the top of my head. “Are you sure you’re okay, babe?”

I lean my head back and smile up to him. “Yeah, I’m okay.”

He shakes his head. “I shouldn’t have lost my shit like that. It won’t happen again.”

I crawl onto his lap and sit facing him. I place my hands onto his face and lower my lips towards him. I whisper into his mouth. “Yes, you will, because you will always take care of me. You’re the only person that ever has.”

I kiss him softly, but he deepens it. I feel him grow hard beneath me andI grind into him. He moans then pulls away from my lips and looks right into my eyes. What I see in his eyes takes my breath away. There is desire, but mostly it’s another emotion. It’s something I have never seen before. I’m pretty sure it’s love. “Thank God you’re mine, Rylie.”

Chapter 25


“Mummy, can I have some milk?”I ask, sitting up at the table in the kitchen.

Mummadoesn’t say anything, just goes to the fridge, and pours me a glass. Wow, mummy gave me a big people glass. She never does. I always have to have the princess ones so I don’t break them.

She places the glass in front of me without a word, and goes back to her spot at the stove.

I pick up the glass to take a big drink, when the glass slips out of my hands and crashes onto the floor.

Mumturns around from the stove and she looks so mad at me. “I’m sorry mummy, I’ll clean it up.”

“You fucking brat.” Mummy calls me that all the time. I don’t know why. I try to be a good girl for her.

I get off my chairand start to clean up the mess when she slaps me hard. I start crying. “Shut up!” she screams at me. “Go to your room… Now!”

I run to my room crying. I’ve never seen mummy so mad before. And she hit me. Mummy never hits me. I’m in my room for a few minutes when mummy comes in with a belt. She doesn’t say anything as I look up at her.

She comes over to the bed and starts hitting me with it. I cry out.

“Rylie, baby, wake up!”

After Mummy sees that I’m bleeding she stops and walks out of my room. She comes back in with a cloth and cleans me up. “You shouldn’t have done that Rylie. Look what you made me do.” She says as I cry.

“Rylie, wake up!”

I bolt straight up in bed, breathing hard.

“Rylie.” Derek says.

“I’m ok. Bad dream.”

Derek pulls me close to him, wrapping his arms around my middle. “Tell me about it babe.”

I shake my head no. He doesn’t need the poison that is me. “Derek, I think you should go.”

“I’m not leaving you.” He says firmly.
