Page 40 of Derek

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“Derek, please.” I whimper.

“Rylie, I’m not going to hurt you.” Derek says, tightening his hold on me. “Please talk to me.”

I let my head drop down to my chest. “I dreamt about the first time my mother abused me. I was only four. She gave me a glass of milk, andwhen I dropped it and broke the glass, she lost it.” I say quietly as tears fall from my eyes.

“How would you feel about talking to someone?” Derek says quietly.

“You mean like a shrink?” I ask him.

“Yes. Since you’ve been with me, I’ve seen you wake up from dreams of Caleb, and now your mother. You’re not totally over this, and I think you need to see someone.”


I am sitting in the waiting room of Dr. Sharp’s office, fidgeting in my seat. I am so nervous that I just cannot sit still. Why in the hell did I let Derek talk me into doing this shit? I don’t see how talking about my life is going to help. If anything, it will just bring back all my messed up shit. Fuck this! I am out of here. I am just about to walk out of the door, when I hear my name being called.

Damn! Fine, I will do this once. Maybe then, Derek will leave me alone about it. I follow the receptionist back to the office and sit down to wait some more. A few minutes later, the doctor walks into the room.

“Hello, Rylie.” She says as she shakes my hand, then sits in the chair across from me. “Okay, let’s get started.”



Connor and I are eating lunch when my phone rings. I smile when I see Rylie’s name flash across my screen. I raise my finger to let Connor know that I will be just a second. “Hey, babe.”

“Derek.” She whimpers out.

“What happened?” I ask as I stand up and reach into my pocket for my keys. Something is wrong and I have to get to her.

“I talked to Dr. Sharp.” She says between sobs.

“What did she say?” I say, as I walk towards the door. Shit! I should not have made her go to that doctor.

“She said that none of what happened was my fault. She says that I am one of the bravest women that she has ever met.”

I stop dead in my tracks. “Then, why are you crying, babe?”

“Because, mum always said that I made my Dad do it. She said that I tried to get his attention, that I wanted him to touch me.”

“Fuck, babe. Your mother is just a bitch! She’s also a liar.”

Rylie whimpers again. “Caleb said that it was my fault that he had to beat me. He always said that if I could only learn to act like how a woman should, he wouldn’t have to hurt me.”

Goddamn! I wish I could dig that motherfucker up and kill his ass again. “He was a sick bastard. Everything he did to you was wrong.”

“That is what Dr. Sharp said.” I can hear the sadness leaving her voice.

“It sounds like she is smart as hell.” I say with a chuckle.

“She may be smart, but I am lucky.” She whispers into the phone.

As far as I am concerned, Rylie is the most unlucky person in the whole world. “How are lucky, babe? “

“I’ve got you.”

Chapter 26

