Page 11 of Can't Resist You

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Keller is currently out doing some team thing today, while Drew is down in his basement working out. Having an at home gym has its perks, one of those perks is when I decide to want to have a workout and notice Drew already down there, working up a sweat with no shirt on. And it’s almost as if he knows what I’m thinking because he always turns around and smirks at me.

I often can’t help staring at him, remembering the way his brown eyes looked like honey when he took me for the first time, his hair, almost as black as mine, cut short but still long enough for my fingers to pull. Something I found he enjoyed tremendously when we had our night together. Shit, I need to stop thinking about him before I do something stupid.

Laying on the couch, cuddled up to LF while I flip through the TV channels, my phone rings. Something it really hasn’t done much of since my move. I smile when I see that it’s Tina.

“Hey Tina,” I say as I put the phone to my ear and lay back on the couch.

“Girl, what is up with you? I haven’t heard from you in almost three weeks.” More like two weeks, since I called and asked her if she could help me pack up and move. She was all sorts of weird, sounding both upset, angry, and even distracted. She was not a fan of me moving in with Keller, even if it was currently saving me a shit load of money.

“I know, I’m sorry, between the move, work, and trying not to kill Keller every time he eats, I’ve just been busy.” Shit, even that sounds like a horrible excuse to me, like right now, I’m not busy, just being lazy.

I can almost feel Tina rolling her eyes on the line. “Girl, I know that, I’ve been busy, too; hence, why I haven’t called before now, but a random text once in a while wouldn’t have hurt. Enough about that, tell me what’s been going on? How’s it living with Hot Cop and Hockey Slut?” Now it’s my turn to roll my eyes.

“It’s not been too bad actually. I’m shocked as hell at how well living with Drew is. I thought we’d be fighting constantly or something, but it’s been peaceful between us. It’s Keller I have issues with. I swear he’s like, ugh.” I sigh. “He’s a damn child. Seriously. The way he eats, the way he breathes, how he drinks his water.”

She lets out a surprised laugh. “I bet, this is the time all his stupid shit will come out and start bugging you. But you’re the one that made the decision to move in with him.”

“Yeah, for cheap rent. Seriously Tina, what goes out of my pocket right now for my car insurance, gas, and rent, I only pay five hundred a month. Which leaves me with thirty-five hundred dollars. Think of the savings. I never wanted to move in with Keller, which by the way, I technically didn’t. I have my own room, as does he. But while I’m living here, I can save so much faster, and be able to finally buy a house.” My plan since starting my career has been to get a home of my own. Reaper and Angel wanted to buy me a house when I moved here, but this is something I need to do on my own. They helped me enough. More than enough.

“I get that girl, but what about Keller. You’ve said before you were thinking of dumping him. You still going to do that? Kinda hard now with y’all living together.” She just had to bring that up.

Groaning, I stretch out, causing LF to fall off the couch and hiss at me. Giving my cat the middle finger, I reply, “I still plan on breaking up with Keller. That plan has never changed, just when it’s going to happen, has. We’re living in the same house now, so obviously the timeline had to shift. I just don’t want to hurt him; he’s been good to me. Not his fault I’m not in love with him and think of his best friend when I get myself off.” I mumble out that last bit, but Tina heard me.

A throat clears behind me and I freeze. Looking over the back of the couch, Drew is standing there, leaning against the wall with a huge as shit grin on his face.

“Fuck, uh I’ll call you back later, gotta go. Love you, babe.” I move to get off of the couch, as Drew comes close.

I have a feeling I might be in trouble.

Chapter 10


Living with Drew week three

Hearing those words come out of Tara’s mouth has me knowing I’m about to do something stupid.

“Uh, can I help you with something?” she asks hesitantly as I round the couch before she gets the chance to escape.

“You plan on breaking up with Keller, huh?” I heard every word she said on that phone call, but I want it said to my face, too.

She looks ashamed as she puts her head down. “That was the plan until this happened,” she replies quietly, sounding close to tears. “I like him, I do, please don’t think I’m using your friend because I’m not. I just don’t feel about him the way he does me.”

“Tara,” I murmur getting close.

She grabs my hands and pulls me down so I’m on my knees in front of her. Damn she has a strong grip. “Please, Drew, don’t tell him. I don’t want to ruin what the three of us have right now. He’s a good guy, and I really don’t want to hurt him.” She pleads with me, and fuck me, I want to just wrap her up in my arms and barricade her in my room, away from Keller.

I give her hands a slight squeeze. “Just because you break up with him doesn’t mean you need to leave. If you want out, get out. I won’t think badly of you for doing what is best for yourself.” Especially considering that Keller is a piece of shit and she doesn’t even know it.

She shakes her head. “It’s not the time, I don’t want to ruin his pre-season, or his time when he’s on the road.” Little does she know what he actually does when he’s on the road. “I’ll wait until hockey season is over, and we’ll sit down and talk about everything.”

My head snaps back as I shoot her a glare and stand up. “So, what? In the meantime, just keep having shitty sex with a guy you barely like?”

Her eyes widen. “Like you would know. Keller is great in bed,” she snaps at me, anger rising up in her eyes.

“Next time you’re going to fake it, maybe you shouldn’t scream so loud.Oh, Keller. Oh, Keller.We both know if he was doing it right you wouldn’t be able to form a coherent thought, much less a sentence.” I smirk and Tara continues to glare at me.

“What would you know about it?” she sasses.
