Page 12 of Can't Resist You

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“Sweetheart…” I lean in close to her. My lips brush along the shell of her ear as I whisper, “We both know the sweet sounds you made when I was filling you up didn’t sound anything like that.”

Her body locks up tight.

“And you wouldn’t have to get yourself off with that purple vibrator afterwards, moaning out mynameas you come.” She staggers slightly and falls to the couch, her breath stilted.

“You saw me? How?”

“Make sure your door is closed all the way next time. By the way, that was hot as fuck. I’ve made myself come every night since.” With that, I leave the room, letting her stew over it.

What I really wanted to do was pull her in for a kiss and make her moan my name while I was inside her. But for now, that will have to wait.

Chapter 11


Living with Drew week four

Sitting at my desk going over paperwork from an arrest made last night, I spot Drew in the corner of my eyes heading my way. Shit, I wonder what he has to bitch at me for now. “Tara,” he barks.

Tossing the file on desk, I lean back in my chair and look at him. “You barked?” I sass him.

His eyes narrow at me. “Meeting room, got some people coming in for a chat, need our assistance with something they’re working on.” He stomps away without waiting for me to follow. The last week has been awkward as hell, ever since Drew revealed he heard me faking with Keller and saw me getting myself off, I’ve gone out of my way to avoid him. At first, he looked like it amused him, now he just looks pissed off. And when he sees me with Keller his pissed-off look turns to rage.

I catch up with him down the hall and he opens the door, letting me go in front of him. Well that’s a first, half the time I’m catching the door behind him.

Stepping into the room conference is when I see him , a member of my 'family'. “Reaper!” I shout and run around the desk to him.

“Baby girl, it’s been too long, you were supposed to check in a few months back.” His gruff voice scolds me. Everyone is terrified of Reaper, but I never saw it. He’s always been my teddy bear.

“Sorry,” I say, pouting. “How’s Moira? The kids?”

Before he can answer, Drew cuts us off. “I take it you know each other?”

“Uh duh, he’s family. Reaper and Angel saved me when I was a kid. Raised me, helped me through school, and got me this job,” I state proudly. Reaper puts his arm over my shoulder and tugs me to his side.

Drew gives me a look I’ve never seen before, and I can’t quite figure out what it is.

“Speaking of Angel, is he here too?”

Reaper scratches his chin and his lips twitch in amusement. “No. he was supposed to, but Eden is sick, so he’s gotta take care of the kids.”

I narrow my eyes at him. “Why do you find that amusing?”

He loses the lip twitch and bursts out laughing. “He knocked Eden up again.”

My eyes widen, how the hell. “She got fixed after the last kid though, how’d that happen?”

“Super sperm? Fuck, I don’t know. She’s pissed.” I bet she is.

“What’s he trying to do? Build his own baseball team or something?”

“As amusing as this all this, I thought this meeting was for work, not a family reunion,” Drew announces to the room, sounding annoyed, as he sits at the table.

Reaper gives me a small squeeze and moves me next to Drew, pulling my chair out. “So, what’s this about?” I ask as Reaper sits across from us pulling out a file and sliding it our way.

“Simple case of getting out a mother and her children. The husband is a bastard, abusive. Physically towards his sons, sexually and verbally to his wife and daughter.” My heart clenches in my chest, I hate sick people like this. “We can’t use Preston, like we normally do, he’s on his honeymoon, so we came to you. You’ll be able to make sure I don’t accidentally on purpose murder the sick fuck, and you get to arrest him all in one go.”

He leans back in his chair as Drew and I huddle together, looking at everything in the file. Oh god there are even pictures of those children, they are so young. I look up sharply. “This little girl is only three years old.” Tears threaten to fall, my voice cracking. Something changes in Drew and he grabs my hand, giving me a squeeze and doesn’t let go.

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