Page 14 of Can't Resist You

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“You leaving, man?” Keller frowns as I get up, grabbing my jacket off the back of the chair.

I narrow my eyes at him and then look to the bitch on her knees under the table, with Keller’s cock in her mouth. “Yeah, I’m out,” I snarl at him, giving him a disgusted look.

“Cool, bro, don’t wait up, I’ll be home sometime tomorrow to get my shit and hit the road.” He moans slightly as he finishes his sentence.

I don’t reply, but I do smack the back of his head as I walk away.

Pulling into the driveway twenty minutes later, I see the lights in the living room on. Normally at this time at night Tara’s in her room watching TV until she falls asleep.

Tara’s head pops over the back of the couch as I walk into the house. LF jumps on the back of it and starts purring when he sees me. “Hey, you’re back early, where’s Keller?”

This is where I should tell her, but I don’t. Because I’m an idiot. “He’s still out with the guys, said he might not be back tonight,” I lie and hope she doesn’t see it written all over my face.

She frowns slightly. “Oh, you’d think since he’s leaving tomorrow, he’d be home. Wanting to spend time with me or something.” Yeah, you’d think that. Anyone would fucking think that.

I toss my jacket on the chair and round the couch to sit on it. Tara moves her legs quickly, so I don’t sit on them. “What are we watching?” I ask her, as LF jumps onto my lap and starts bumping my hand with his head so I can pet him.

She looks at our interaction and smiles. “Crazy, he barely likes me, hates Keller, but he’s all loved up on you.”

I shrug. “I’m lovable,” I tease and give her a wink.

She blushes slightly and turns back to the TV. “I can change this if you don’t want to watch. There isn’t anything new on right now, so I’m just re-watching some American Horror Story.”

“Sounds good to me, how many episodes did I miss? Wanna give me a quick recap or something?”

She fills me in on some strange shit that barely makes sense, but watching her light up talking about this, I couldn’t give a fuck. Just spending time with her, watching shitty shows she likes, is perfect.

Two episodes later, and Tara’s out. I look over at her sleeping, and I don’t know how it’s possible, but she looks even more beautiful as she sleeps. I quietly move LF off my lap and shift Tara into my arms, carrying her to her room.

“Mhmm, Drew,” she murmurs in her sleep as I set her down on her bed and pull up her covers. I give her a kiss on her forehead and leave, leaving the door to her room and mine open, and go to bed myself. Spending time with her tonight, watching her light up, jump at dumb pop out scares on the show, and just smiling, all while just sitting at home, was better than any night I ever spent out at a club trying to get laid. I could get used to this.

Chapter 13


Week one without Keller

Tying up my hair into a tight bun as I get dressed for work, there is a knock on my door. “Hey, you almost ready? Figured we could probably ride in to work together,” Drew says.

I’ve been trying hard to avoid him, especially with Keller being gone. I swear every night at home Drew sits and eats with me and then we watch TV together or something. It feels too couplely, especially with the feelings I have for him, and the things he’s said before to me. It’s been hard, and half the time he storms into my bedroom and forces me out. Saying I can’t be cooped up all the damn time when I’m not working.

I couldn’t even get a hold of Tina for the last week. I don’t know if she’s mad still about me moving in with Keller, or the fact that I basically hung up on her last time we spoke.

“Uh, no, you go ahead, I’ll still be a while,” I call back to him and hear him hesitate slightly before muttering something I can’t hear and stomps off. Hearing the front door slam shut, I know he’s gone.

Moving to my dresser I open my jewelry box and grab my Angels Warriors MC necklace that was given to me. Angel and Reaper had it made for me, it’s the same symbol they have as tattoos, just mine is in necklace form. It’s a Celtic Shield with a set of Angel wings wrapping around it. Pretty symbolic, and fits who the Angels are perfectly.

I take one last look in the mirror and head out. Grabbing my keys and lock the door. One of the best things about living at Drew’s house is he’s only ten minutes from the station, and if it wasn’t raining, I’d have been able to walk.

When I pull into the parking lot, I see a row of bikes and smile. And the smile doesn’t come off my face as I walk into the building.

“Hey Tara,” the front desk clerk calls as I walk in. I say a quick hi back and give a small wave.

“Tara Marie Webb, get your cute ass in here.” I pause before my desk and look down the hall. Zippo is standing there, still looking as emo as ever, his arms crossed as he leans against the wall. I don’t notice Drew behind him as I throw my purse on my desk and run.

Zippo stands up straight, his arms out ready to catch me, as I jump in his arms and hug him tight. “Missed you, girl,” Zippo states into my hair as he hugs me tightly back. He puts me down and looks at me with a grin. “Let’s get in the room, Angel is here too, and wants to see ya.” He pulls my arm and drags me along behind him. “Look what I found out in the hall,” Zippo announces.

Reaper, Angel, and T-bags are sitting around the room and grin when they see me. “It’s about time. What, you don’t call, text, visit since moving, what’s that about?” T-bags asks, standing from his seat, coming to me for a hug.
