Page 15 of Can't Resist You

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“I’m sorry,” I tell him. I have a feeling I might be saying that a few times today.

“Nothing to be sorry for, kid, just missed you was all, know you got a life of your own, but doesn’t mean you can cut off family.”

Angel doesn’t say anything, just walks to me, gives me a tight hug and kisses my forehead and moves back to his seat. It’s then I notice Drew was standing off to the side of the room just watching everything happen. Again, he’s giving me a strange look, a look I don’t have time to try and figure out.

“Let’s just get started, and we’ll roll out,” Angel declares and starts telling everyone their role for today. “Tara, you take point with the little girl we’re getting out, you know what to do. Drew, you’ll be our arresting officer if this sick fuck puts up a fight. Normally we take them in ourselves and hand them over at the station, but sometimes these assholes are just that, assholes, so we always have a backup plan.”

Drew nods, skimming over the file while Angel talks.

Reaper stands up from his chair. “I know Tara should probably ride with you Drew, but since it’s been a while, Tara will be on my bike with me, when it’s done, you make sure to get her home safe, yeah.” I smile at the thought of being on a bike again. I always loved riding on the back of their bikes with them, it’s the best feeling in the world.

Drew looks up, as if he wants to nix the idea, but thinks better of it when the rest of the guys stand up and says it’s a great idea.

Chapter 14


Week two without Keller

Tara is barely holding it together as we get back to the station. That whole situation was fucked up. How Tara had to take care of the little girl, how the sick fuck of a father was bragging about what he’d done. “Come to my office,” I tell Tara as we get out of my car.

She follows me and I shut the door as she takes a seat. “You need to brush that shit off. Part of this job is to not get attached.”

She jolts back in her chair as if I’ve slapped her. “That wasn’t a damn job, that has nothing to do with me being a police officer. I went because the Angels asked me to, just like I’ve gone with them before, you went because for you it was a job. Don’t you dare tell me what I can and can’t feel.”

“I can, especially with you acting like this. Maybe you aren’t cut out to be a cop.”

“Oh, fuck you, do you have any idea what that little girl was feeling in that moment? No, I bet you don’t. You probably had the perfect life growing up. You weren’t a five-year-old little girl getting molested by her father until she hit puberty. You weren’t an eleven-year-old child getting raped through your asshole every night or getting beat all to hell for years on end until you got rescued by the Angels Warriors at thirteen. And even after being rescued, didn’t have nightmares, night after night about all the shit that happened. You probably lost your virginity when you were in high school, probably had a few girlfriends by then, too. But no, not me, I was afraid to let anyone touch me, and was a virgin until I was twenty-five-years old. And then got my very first boyfriend. So go fuck yourself, Drew.”

I stagger back, almost falling to the floor as she shouts those words at me. Holy fuck, I knew her past would be bad, but I wasn’t expecting this. Fuck me, I want to find the sick fucker that did this to her.

“Tara, I…” She puts her hand out to stop me from speaking.

“Just don’t okay, I can’t do this right now.”

I move close to her and cup her face in my hands. “I’m sorry, Tara, I am. I shouldn’t have said what I did, you have every right to feel the way you do. Why don’t you take the day off, go home, rest? I’ll bring home a pizza later, sound good?”

She sighs, her shoulders slumping. “Yeah, and I’m sorry too, for lashing out just now.”

I catch a tear as it falls down her face. “Keller doesn’t know about that shit, does he?” I ask her gently.

She bites her bottom lip and shakes her head. “It’s not really something to tell someone. At least not someone you’re just dating. He knows I had a rough upbringing; he knows I’m close to the Angels, but nothing specific.” Keller is such a fucking moron. I also can’t believe that the first time Tara gets a boyfriend, it’s him. “I shouldn’t have even told you,” she whispers.

I lean in, kissing her forehead, giving her a small hug. “You can trust me, Tara. I’m sorry that shit happened to you. I’m also angry as hell, not at you, but for you. Wanting to hunt down this bastard and kill him. Please tell me he’s locked up.” I pull back and she shakes her head. My body tenses, how the fuck is he not locked up.

“If I tell you something, will you promise not to say, arrest someone, or utter a word to anyone?” she asks me hesitantly. And I don’t even need to think about it.

“Absolutely,” I reply instantly.

“Well, when my father got released on bail,” She starts to say.

My hands tighten on hers. “How on earth was he released on bail?” I almost shout, anger vibrating from me.

She bites her lip. “Well, Reaper posted it. He didn’t think prison was good enough for him. So, he took care of him in a different way. I don’t know all the details, but Reaper told me, even saying if I turned him in, he’d understand, but just wanted me to know.”

I don’t even give a fuck, right now I want to high five the damn man for doing that. Not that murder is good, but this guy deserved it. And I’m glad he’s not ever gonna be out there to haunt Tara ever again.

“What about your mother?”
