Page 24 of Can't Resist You

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“Drew,” I whisper. I know this hurts him. But I don’t want to be known as a cheater, it’s already killing me inside.

“Stop, Tara. Stop fighting us. I’m not hiding the fact that you’re mine any longer.” I move out of his arms, and surprisingly he lets me. “And as much of an asshole Keller is and can be, you ain’t doing that shit over phone either, break ups are face to face. And I will be there when it happens.”

“I can’t hurt him like that. He’s your best friend, we can’t do this to him. Let me just end it and we’ll go from there.”

His jaw clenched as he gets off the bed, searching for his pants. “Hurt him? What about how he’s hurting you, Tara? Huh? How he fucks anything with a hole, the entire time you’ve been together!” He shouts at me.

I narrow my eyes at him. “What the hell are you talking about?”

“You’re so fucking blind. All this time you were killing yourself with the thoughts of us being together, when he doesn’t even give a flying fuck about you. Since day one that fucker has slept around on you.”

“You’re lying. You’re just saying this to hurt me, to make me feel vindicated or some shit. Why are you doing this?”

He throws his phone towards me and I flinch as it connects with my thigh. “Look at that if you don’t believe me.”

I get off his bed and slip back into my pajamas. Refusing to look at his phone. Even if I could believe Drew right now, two wrongs don’t make a right.

“Where are you going?” he asks me, blocking my way out of his room.

“I’m leaving. Move,” I demand.

“No fucking way, we’re gonna talk.” He leans against the door that is my only exit.

“If it’s true, and that’s a big if, why wouldn’t you have told me before now, huh?”

He grabs my arms, giving me a shake. “Because I didn’t want to hurt you okay. I know Keller, he’s never been loyal a day in his life to any of his ex’s. For fuck sake, he has his baby mama sitting up in an apartment downtown.”

I pull back in shock. Keller has a kid? No, Keller would have told me. “Move out of my way, Drew.”


The second he moves an inch from the door I shove him and quickly leave, but before I can get close to the front of the house someone is at the door. Ringing the bell and knocking like a friggin madman.

“Who the fuck is that?” Drew storms out of the room behind me. “You stay, we’re not done talking.”

Ignoring him, I follow him to the front door, almost falling on my face when LF runs between my legs.

“The fuck you want?” his voice radiating anger says to a small woman holding a little girl with light blonde curls, as she barges into the house, looking pissed.

“Where the hell is Keller?” she shouts, setting the little girl down on the floor with what looks like a teething ring. “He’s late with my money and she needs diapers.” I stare at this woman, she looks like she could have been a model, long blonde hair with chocolate highlights, skinny as hell, but a slight pouch at her stomach.

“That’s not my problem, and you know where that asshole is, he gets home when he gets home, you know this shit,” Drew replies.

“Then it looks like I’m gonna wait right here until he gets his ass home. I promised him I wouldn’t go to the press to reveal his daughter as long as he was on time with the money, but the fucker is on his last strike.”

The blow hits me and I stumble backwards, catching myself on the edge of the couch. What Drew said was true, Keller is a dad.

“Who are you?” the woman asks me, finally noticing me in the room.

“Keller’s girlfriend,” I reply, and Drew’s anger is starting to reach extreme levels.

“Not for long,” he hisses.

Her eyes narrow at me as she takes me in. “How long?”

“Too long, especially to not even know the fucker had a kid,” Drew replies for me.

“I’m surprised, the idiot can’t keep it in his pants for the life of him. He’s still fucking me you know. Usually comes by three, four times a month, in between getting pussy from the clubs, parties, or at the rink. Hell, his last girlfriend, Chelsea was with him for years, only finding out he was cheating when I showed up pregnant at her clinic.” I’m gonna be sick. How could I have missed all the signs? How could I be so stupid?

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