Page 25 of Can't Resist You

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And Drew, he fucking knew the entire time. For months him and I have done this dance with each other, feeling guilt every single time I fell on his cock, and he never once said a word. How could Drew keep that from me? I get bro-code and all, but we started an us, shouldn’t that come first? Hell, that’s something he should have told me the second I moved in, at least. Even if we weren’t together. How could he look at me, talk to me, anything with me, knowing all the shit Keller was doing?

I’m just as in the wrong as Keller is though. We’ve both cheated, right from the start neither one of us was honest with each other. This is all so messed up.

Chapter 24


The hurt in Tara’s eyes is unmistakable. “I’m going to my room, and, Drew,” she turns to me, “I’m to be left alone. And I mean it.” I want to shout fuck no, but she needs time, and I get it.

“Here, take this, please, I know it’s fucked up how this came out, I’ve been trying to find a way to tell you without losing your trust, but just. Please look.” I give her my cell phone, this way she can see all of Keller’s messages to me as proof.

She takes it, hesitantly and moves down the hall to her room, but not before turning to Becky, “You really shouldn’t just stick your baby on a floor like that.” She tells her and I almost smile. Becky doesn’t reply as Tara continues to her room.

“Pretty, real pretty. She seems smart. I’m surprised she fell for Keller. And you, damn, the almighty Drew, always yapping at Keller like a little bitch about not doing what’s right, and here you are, fucking his woman,” Becky says.

“Bitch, you need to get out of my house, you don’t know shit, and you’re a fine one to talk,” I growl at her.

She picks her kid back up off the floor and glares at me. “When is Keller supposed to be back?”

“At least a month from now, but if his team keeps winning games, could be longer. You know this shit. Again, not sure why you’re here.”

“I need money, and he’s late with it, I already told you this.”

This shit is really none of my concern. I shake my head. “I don’t get it, why do you need Keller’s money? Aren’t you an heiress?” I never understood her shit, she comes from a rich family, she used to be in all the gossip rags, and now she’s looking like trailer trash.

She narrows her eyes at me. “If you must know, Daddy cut me off because Cameron wouldn’t marry me, especially being knocked up by a dirty hockey hick. I should have given this baby up or had an abortion. This shit is not worth it. At all.” She storms out of the house, slamming the door behind her. Cameron was never going to marry Becky, met him last year when he came this way to win his wife back. Becky had it in her fucked up head that after Cameron followed his father’s Will stipulations, he would divorce his wife and marry her. Bitch even had the nerve to start planning the wedding and sent out wedding invitations before the terms were up.

Fuck, that crazy bitch. I’ll have to make sure to let Keller know this shit, not like he’d probably care since he doesn’t seem to want to be a dad anyways. Not sure why those two kept that baby, if they didn’t want it, they should have given her up for adoption.

Once I hear her car start up, I make my way to find Tara. I have so much shit to explain and apologize for now. I just hope she’s calmed down enough to hear me out.

“Tara,” I call as I knock on her door. “We need to talk. I shouldn’t have told you that way, and I’m sorry you had to find out like that, but let me in. We can work through this.”

Silence is all I get back. My god she’s one stubborn woman. I turn the knob, realize it isn’t locked, and open the door. “What the fuck?” It looks like a tornado went through here. My first thought is that someone broke in and tossed it, but when I look to the window, it’s not open and it’s locked. Then on the bed, I see my phone, with a note underneath.


I just need some time to think about what went down, especially since a lot of what happened today, you should have told me way before now. I’m not running away and I’m going to spend the weekend with my family, get some clarity on what has become my life. I read your messages from Keller like you asked, and you were right. But it still isn’t right what we’re doing. No matter who is in the wrong.

As Reaper once told me. Love is never wrong, and I believe him. I love you. But I have to think about what the repercussions will be when this relationship we have comes out to Keller.

Just give me some time. I’ll be back.

Love Tara

I sit on her bed and everything goes fuzzy. She’s gone. Grabbing my phone, I hit call on her number, and it goes straight to voicemail. “Tara, please call me back, or fuck, just come home. I want to fix this. I need to fix this. I promise you everything will be okay, we’ll work this out, get through it together. I love you, Tara. I fucking hate that the first time I tell you that it’s over your damn voicemail, but there it is. I love you.”

I hang up and fall back on her bed. I read her letter again, the urge to call her until she answers or to drive to Airdrie right now to get her is strong. But she’s right. I need to let her be for a bit. It’s just a weekend, then she’ll be back.

My phone dings with a text and I see it’s a new image. Of course, it’s Keller, ass fucking some chick over a pool table. Why he fucking sends me shit like that, I don’t know. He knows I ain’t into his fucked-up bullshit.

I end up hitting the spam button on him, this way I don’t get his damn texts anymore and head towards his room. Time to pack his shit up, because if he thinks he’s staying here when he gets back, he has another thing coming.

Before I get the chance to start throwing his shit into a box, my phone rings, and I see it’s Jana from City Hall. “Yeah, what you got for me?” I answer.

I hear her sigh. “Well, it’s not all that good. Have a friend, he’s good at hacking shit, he got into the Captain’s email and bank records. Now before I get into that, gotta tell you, heard some talk behind closed doors. Captain Sparrow is into some bad debts with the Untamed MC.” Fuck, that’s not good. “Now for the emails, the Captain knows he’s being watched, but not by who. He had pressure from the Angels Warriors to hire Tara. I’m guessing they somehow knew about the shit he’s into and for how much, and this was a blackmail scheme.”

“That’s why he’s been a dick lately.”
