Page 2 of Unraveling Raven

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Those shifter fucks are more fiercely protective of their mates, so even getting time to see or talk with Karma is almost non-existent. At least without her damn mate around. It’s not like I’m gonna fuck her now, but the asshole doesn’t trust me.

I spot one of my maids, a human I’ve come to somewhat like; she’s good at her job, tidying up the kitchen. “Martha, could you round up the rest of the maids and have them get rid of the vermin in my home.” She takes no offence to how I speak about her species and nods.

“Right away, sir.”

I growl and she smirks. Fuckin’ hate it when she calls me Sir. Don’t know how many damn times I’ve told her to call me Ryder, or nothing at all. For two years, she did just that, called me ‘nothing at all’. If she wasn’t human, I could probably like her more.

“Well, there you are, the party boy.” Karma smirks at me as I enter the dining room. She’s snuggled on the lap of her mate, Waverly.

“Morning,” I grumble, going to the pot of coffee on the table. “No more of these damn parties, Karma. I mean it.”

She shrugs. “Hey, they’re fun sometimes, and you never know, this was a new batch of party goers. Your mate could have been one of them.”

I shake my head and sit down, grabbing a donut. “Doesn’t mean the damn humans have to attend these things too.”

“You and I both know a vamp party sucks without a few humans. Well, not for me anymore at least.” She kisses Waverly on the nose. She’s right, some of the humans are good for a snack while fucking them. I haven’t fucked a human in over four hundred years, and only because I could smell the woman’s blood, fuck it was divine. I over-fed, draining her dry while I fucked her in the ass. I don’t regret it; her blood was the best human blood I ever had. It was a pity though; I couldn’t have it again.

“You still heading up to Canada tomorrow?” Karma asks.

“That’s the plan. The Oracle is requesting all the Kings to be there.” Not many of my kind can tolerate witches. I have nothing against them personally, but I don’t tend to like anyone more powerful than me.

“Actually, there was a change of plans,” Karma starts, “She requested only you and Dagan for this meeting. She’s having Nev and Luc in four months’ time.”

“Well, that’s news to me, when did that change?”

Karma rolls her eyes, “Maybe if you checked your email once in a while you would have noticed.”

I scoff at her, why would I check my email, when I have other people doing it for me? In a way I suppose if it’s just Dagan and I, this meeting might not be as bad as I was thinking, although she still will be meeting with the other Kings too.

Dagan, King of Shifters, Nev, King of the Angels, Luc, King of Demons, and me, King of Vampires. It’s not often we all are together, but when we are, it’s always something big. Last time was the damn coming out, something I still think is stupid, but The Oracle said it was time. Who were we to argue with her?

Sure, a lot of shifters and vamps were sick of hiding all the time, pretending we were a 4thor 5thso and so, it was a pain in the ass. Although I loved the secrecy, I enjoyed being able to hide without some vampire groupie trying to cling to me. People asking constantly to turn into one of us. As if that could ever happen.

You can’t be made, you’re either born this way, or you’re human. And no matter how many times we tell the humans this, they don’t believe us, and keep begging. The first time a human saw us vampires out in the sun they screamed in surprise. As if all those damn movies and books about us were ever real. Sunlight would kill us? Fuck no. Needing blood to survive? Again no. Sure it helps us to heal if we are sick or injured, and during sex it’s a high that’s more powerful than anything. But to live? No, we don’t need blood. Gotta love the damn stereotypes though.

“Sir, everyone is gone, I’ll get started with the cleanup,” Martha informs me, bowing slightly as she exists the room.

I glare at Karma. “No more. And you’re tipping every damn maid in on the cleanup too.”

Waverly growls at me as I speak to Karma, but she just giggles. “Will do,sir.” That has me growling also.

“You know where the door is once you’re done here, I’m going to get some more rest, pack and then head out. Whatever bullshit the Oracle wants to announce this time better be worth going up to igloo country,” I grumble.

Karma laughs. “Would you stop. Canada doesn’t have igloos and even if it did, it’s not like you should care, you don’t get cold.”

I shake my head and stomp out of the room.
