Page 56 of Hangman Untamed

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I pull into her driveway she comes rushing out, like I knew she would, since I called her on the drive over.

“I’m so sorry my dad did this to you. I’m gonna kill him,” she says, her voice shaking with anger.

“Don’t, he’s your dad. You love him. Don’t worry about it. I just need to go someplace for a little while, get away.”

“You got it, here’s my bank card. It’s the only thing he won’t think to track since I’ll be here. Just put back any money you use while you got it. Go, because I know he’ll be coming here at some point to talk.”

“Thank you, Melissa,” I tell her, giving her another quick hug and take off.

Chapter Forty-three


Fuck this shit, Justinetakes off the minute I say the words, ‘I love you.’ I wasn’t exactly expecting her to jump into my arms and say it back, but I expected a fuck of a lot more than her just leaving me. I get dressed and Shannan steps in front of the door.

“Leave her, now we can be together,” she begs me.

Taking my gun from the dresser to the left of the door, I raise it and shoot her in the face. So fucking done with these bitches. Should have done this a lot sooner. It’s also my fucking fault I got so drunk I didn’t pay attention to who I was fucking. Her blood splatters over the room, and everyone outside shuts the fuck up.

“Clean up in my room,” is all I say as Wiz tosses me a cloth to clean the blood off my face.

I run to my bike and don’t see Justine anywhere in sight. Fuck. I should have instated a rule that if bitches want to leave, they need permission first.

“Pres, man, can’t let you drive, you’re still drunk,” Manic says, taking the keys out of my hand.

“Give them back, before I put a hole in your head!” I shout at him, swaying slightly.

Rage grabs me and hauls me back inside. “Sleep, shower off, then search for her after. You’re in no condition right now, man.” Fuck, he’s right. I hate that he’s right, so I haul off and punch him in the face.

“Don’t worry, boss. We already sent a prospect to find her and make sure she stays put. If we knew she wasn’t actually invited here, we wouldn’t have let her in,” Manic tells me.

Fuck, it’s no one’s fault but my own. Never should have been fucking that bitch in the first place, not when I had Justine. Melissa warned me time and again that I’d do something to fuck it up, and I did. I just did. I just hope I haven’t lost Justine for good.


IWAKE UP HOURS LATERand see the room is cleaned and quickly go for a shower. I need to find Justine and sit her down and have a serious talk with her. Last night was fucked up, but I take full blame for it. I need to be a better man for her. For my daughters, for my grandkids.

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