Page 57 of Hangman Untamed

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Fuck, we’re even changing the club around a bit. Yet, here I am, still the same fucked-up bastard I always was. I can’t keep living like this. I know I have to change. I just don’t know how.

I drive to Melissa’s first, hoping to get her advice. But the minute she sees me, she slams the door in my face. Fuck. I knock again and this time, Slammer, her husband answers, and steps outside.

“Pres, man, don’t go in there. Melissa is on the phone with Justine and she’s tearing you a new one. If you want Emily, I can give her to ya, but Melissa said not to let you in.”

Fuck me, I seriously fucked up. “No, keep Emily a little longer? I’m going to hunt down Justine.”

He smirks, “Good luck with that.”

Narrowing my eyes at him, he goes back inside before I can ask him what that’s supposed to mean. Fuck.

I take off and go to Justine’s. Her car isn’t in the driveway and the lights are off. Next door, a car pulls in and out comes Tomas from his house. “You looking for Justine?” he calls, as someone gets out of the car in his driveway. Man is tall and looks familiar, but I can’t place him right now. I turn back to Tomas.

“Yeah, we had a fight, trying to get her to talk to me.”

“Sorry, man, I know how Justine can be when she gets riled, she may have gone to her dad’s.”

Fuck, this is pointless, I head back to the clubhouse, hoping Wiz and Manic can do some magic and just find her for me. Makes shit easier.

Chapter Forty-four


Iroll over in bedand check the time. Just after eight. I should get up and head home and face the music. If Carson thinks he’s got another shot with me, he’s sorely wrong. I’ve said it before, and I refuse to keep saying it, but I don’t do cheaters. It’s why I fought so much to keep us nonexclusive. I knew my heart would shatter if I didn’t.

Now look at me, I’m heartbroken in the worst way. At least when I was with Tomas, we had an agreement about other people. But not Hangman, he refused to share me with anyone. They say the only way to get over someone is to get under someone new. And I plan to do exactly that. Fuck Hangman, fuck him.

Getting dressed and double checking I got everything, I check out of the hotel room and head home. I see Hangman’s bike in the driveway, almost as if he’s been here this whole time just waiting for me. Next thing I have to do is change my locks.

The second I’m out of my car, he storms out of the house. “Where the fuck were you?” he roars in my face.

Raising a brow, I shove him back. “Not really any of your business now, is it?”

I shut my car door and walk around him to my house.

“I’m gonna need my key back,” I tell him as I unlock the front door.
