Page 65 of Hangman Untamed

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Chapter Fifty


Once I’m untied, I’mled through the warehouse to an office. “If you don’t like what the bitch has to say I’ll put a bullet in her myself,” this Hunter guy tells me. What the hell is he talking about?

“You should know, she hasn’t shut up about you since you took off on her. She’s been here telling me to get you back, and I’m doing just that. But I also looked into you. You shouldn’t have to deal with her bullshit.” I’m so confused right now.

He opens the door and there she is, my fucking mother. “What are you doing here, Eileen?” I demand, stepping into the room, Hunter at my back. She looks like she usually does, blonde hair styled out in flowing waves, very little makeup. And dressed in jeans and a nice blouse. She looks like a typical mom.

“You’re not happy to see your mother?” She pouts.

“No, I’m not. You’re the last person I ever want to see.”

“You ungrateful brat, I just saved you from a life with scum.”

“No, you kidnapped me from the man I love. You can’t handle me loving someone other than you, it’s how you operate.” Despite what Carson has done, I do still love him, even though I shouldn’t. This experience just proves we shouldn’t be together, but I’m not going to say that to her or this Hunter guy.

Her jaw clenches. “How do you even know these guys?”

“Hunter, here, is your half-brother.” The wind gets knocked out of me then. What the hell?

Hunter places a hand on my shoulder. “If this bitch told me that when I first nabbed you, I would have gone about it in a different way. And I sure as fuck wouldn’t have used you as bait against Hangman.” Hunter sounds as pissed as I feel.

I turn to look at him and he’s pissed for sure, he didn’t know about us being siblings either.

“This bitch isn’t my mother, but seems she hooked up with my old man back in the day. Asshole’s dead so you don’t get to meet him,” he tells me. I always knew my dad wasn’t the man that created me but being in this situation now hurts. Knowing I have a brother? And he’s the enemy of the man I’m with. I don’t know how to process this.

“Can we not go to war with the club?” I ask him hesitantly. “There has to be another way, since I’m Hangman’s Old Lady and you’re my brother, there must be something we can do.”

“Might be too late now, but I’d have agreed with you if we hadn’t already sent word to Hangman that we had your ass. He might not be so lenient now.”

“Just let me talk to him.”

“What about Wrath, that old fuck betrayed his club, do you think he’s gonna let him just walk away?”

I shake my head, I’m not sure what all Carson does within the club, as it’s not my business, but judging by his nickname—Hangman—it’s gotta be along those lines. “I don’t think Wrath will get off.”

“We’ll work something out. Now that I know I have a sister, I’m going to protect you the best I can. If that means setting aside this damn grudge with the Untamed MC, so be it. The others will be pissed and might overthrow me, but I’ll deal with that on my own.”

When he’s done talking, I realize I forgot all about my mother. She’s oddly quiet and staring at me. “What?”

“Are you going to talk to me, actually, and not just spew hate?”

“I told you before, if you admit to what you did, I would forgive you. I won’t forget—I still have nightmares from everything—but I’d at least treat you with some respect.”

“I’ve done nothing wrong. As a child, you deserved the shit you got.”
