Page 1 of Rage Untamed

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The Past

Driving behind Hangmanwe take a turn into the abandoned warehouse that the Jack’s Devil’s USA charter had us come to for the pick up. Pulling in I see an old car, so I know they are there already. I get off my bike and move next to Hangman.

This handover should go easy, just pick up the girl and be on our way. Maybe, depending on the damage these crazy fucks have caused, she might be of use on the ride home.

“We get in, get her, and get out. Killer and Trinity are supposed to be doing this drop off, so we can only imagine how fucked-up this bitch is gonna be,” he says and Gunner pulls in behind us with his truck so we can transport her.

We enter the warehouse, it’s standard as warehouses come, rundown piece of shit, and Trinity, one of the contract killers that works with the Jacks Devils, is dancing around Big Tits practically channeling a deranged lunatic like Harley Quinn on steroids. “Hey there, boys, you’re taking away my fun new toy.” She pouts as we enter the room. Killer just smiles in amusement at her. Fucking psycho.

“Sorry about the mess, but she pissed me off.” I take in Big Tits and see blood seeping out of stomach and chest wounds, wounds I’m not sure we can overcome. Fuck me, the feeling I’m getting right now at seeing this woman again, overcomes me to the point I almost sink to my knees. This bitch is mine, and they damaged my property. I hope Hangman has a good surgeon on call so we can get her help.

“What’s your name?” Hangman asks her, gently pulling the ropes off her and helps her stand up. We’ve only known her as ‘Big Tits,’ or the ‘big-titted waitress,’ never her real name.

“Jennifer,” She whispers brokenly. Fuck, they broke my woman. The crazy feeling washes over me as I realize that I just claimed her and no one knows yet. I’ve wanted this bitch for years, every time we’ve had a run down here and passed through town, I had her. Hangman has had her with me many times, too. But seeing her like this, something has switched inside me.

This craving to have her and only her lays heavy on my mind as Hangman passes her to me, and I pull her tightly to my chest. “Mine,” I growl out, and Jennifer stiffens in my arms.

“Got it,” Hangman says gruffly and Gunner chuckles.

We move out of the warehouse after saying our goodbyes to the psycho fucks and get Jennifer loaded up in the truck. “You okay?”

Stupid question probably. Jennifer rolls her eyes. “Do I look okay?” her voice breaks as tears start to fall. “What are you going to do with me?”

“I’m keeping you,” I tell her. “You’re our payment for helping get rid of a problem the Jacks were having, you belong now to the Untamed MC.” Mostly just me, though, but until she can accept that we’re putting her to work in our club, keeping an eye on her in case she really is a dirty fucking rat just like her brother.

“I’ll never be free!” she cries out and then winces in pain.

“You’ll be as free as we can allow, you should have thought about this shit when you were found out.”

She gives an ugly snort. “I meant free as in ‘death.’”
