Page 17 of Rage Untamed

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I shrug, “I started noticing it about a month ago, but thought nothing of it at the time, but today we’re short five different brands of vodka.”

“Stay here, take stock, and place your orders. I’ll get Wiz and Manic on the camera feed and see if we can find out who’s stealing our shit,” Gunner states and walks away with his phone to his ear.

Just as I’m finished placing orders and setting up the schedule for tonight, the girls start coming in, giving me sheepish smiles. I don’t see Jordan, so she’s either working the club house tonight or at home. I can’t remember where she’s scheduled tonight as I forgot my notebook.

I smile at the girls, and they take a seat in front of the bar, waiting on me to tell them what to do tonight.

“Ladies, I’m now the manager, which means my role is slightly different. We’ll need a new headliner, and Charity, I’m looking at you for that position.”

Charity beams at me, looking excited at the offer. “I gladly accept.”

Smiling back at her, “Good. With that said, I’ve sectioned everyone off to their areas. All you girls are dancing tonight, as we need to hire more servers, so you’ll all be working double duty tonight.” A few groans and some cheers sound out.

“I’ll be in the back office if you need me tonight, just come find me. I’m off to search out applications.” I take off and head to the office and take a seat at my new desk. I filter through the applications that I found, immediately tossing some in the trash. You can just tell by looking, some of these women are complete bitches. Something we don’t need more of in the club.

Knocking comes at my door and I shout for whoever it is to come in, and I see that it’s Gunner. “Found our thief, it’s the new prospect,” he growls.

“Shit, I thought he was a great asset around here, helps keep the handsy men at bay, but I’d rather handsy men than thievery.”

“Yeah well, he’s gonna learn now, not to mess with the Untamed.” Gunner grunts, anger all over his face. “Tonight I’m your girls’ shadow, until we can get another prospect in here.”

Good, maybe giving Gunner something to actually do instead of drinking away his sorrows will help him. Not sure what’s up his ass lately but the guy is going through something.

“Thanks, I won’t be out on the floor often tonight, I’m calling up these ladies for an interview, but I’ll be out periodically to see how the girls are doing and the cash flow.”

“Shouldn’t be too bad tonight, a lot of members are gonna come in and watch.” That doesn’t surprise me, the club built this strip club for a reason. Although why we have to open so early in the day is beyond me.

“Sounds good. I’ll only be here until five anyways, won’t be busy until closer to nine.” It’s true, and it’s something I’ve brought up enough times I’m sure the guys are all sick of hearing it.

“Why Hangman insists to open this place at noon I don’t get.” Gunner grumbles and walks out.

I get up from my desk and go to the main area of the club and watch the girls practicing new moves, they are all getting so good, even the ones that don’t want to dance. Since we’re usually just a few stragglers until about five, they use this time to hold meetings, discuss wardrobe and practice.

I don’t blame them, heck it’s also the best time to train new girls too. If only Hangman could see that opening this place before it needs to be open is actually cutting into his profit margin.

Grabbing a bottle of water from the back room fridge, I head back to my office and starting making phone calls to the few I’ve selected for an interview. All of them have agreed to come in today. So interviews will start soon.

The first girl knocks on my door an hour later and I let her right in. “You must be Marisa?” I ask her with a smile.

She gives me a shy one in return. “Yes.” She replies, shaking my hand in return. She takes a seat and I go back around my desk and take mine. This girl is too smart for a place like this but something tells me that she’s hiding something.

“I need to be open with you, this place is run by the Untamed MC, you will be owned by them as long as you work for them. With that said, we also run extensive background checks. We have the best hackers at our disposal so if there is something you don’t want found out, should tell me now because soon the club will know.”

Her eyes go wide and she shakes her head. “My ex had some money troubles and we were running from the bad guys, I finally up and left his ass last year, but it hasn’t been easy. Not with him ruining my credit and everything. I’ve just been barely getting by, working all I can.”

I give her a sad smile. “You won’t have issues here, the club takes care of their property, any debts, will be fixed. And your pay is a standardized salary, tips you earn dancing or serving are all extra. You also get an apartment in our building.”

She has tears in her eyes and I almost want to go around and give her a hug but think better of it.

“You don’t know how much this means to me, thank you.”

We start the interview, asking the standard questions and she checks off all my boxes. The woman used to do gymnastics and dance. So she’s perfect for business. Plus she’s a beautiful woman, guys will line up just to see her. Hell the club brothers will want a piece of her too.

I give her a beaming smile and stand up. “You’re hired, when can you start?”

“Now.” She fires back immediately.

I shake my head. “We need to get you settled in first, an apartment unit is open right now, it used to be mine, so you can have that one. It’s fully furnished, and everything is included. We take a fee out of your pay cheques to pay for the unit, so you won’t even miss it.” I gather some forms from my desk drawer and hand them to her. “These forms are something you must fill out, we need to know if you’re on birth control and what kind, as we administer that ourselves.”
