Page 24 of Rage Untamed

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I give him a chin lift and head towards him. “What’s up, Pres?”

“Hunter wants a meet. Wants to work on our truce.”

“Set it up, see what the fuck wants, and we’ll tell him no.”

Hangman shakes his head. “Not that simple, he’s Justine’s brother, even though they both only found out about each other, they both want to be in each other’s lives. So, we’re gonna have to come up with something.”

“What about going to war? That was our plan with the Jacks Devils down in the states.”

“Plans change. We got Jennifer out of the deal; you seem happy about that.”

I smile, showing my teeth, I probably look a little deranged as Hangman looks on at me in shock. “Damn fucking right, finally claimed the bitch as mine. Got my kids at home, life couldn’t be better, brother.”

“Stop smiling, it’s creeping me the fuck out,” Hangman demands.

Raising a brow, I wipe the smile off my face. Can’t help that I’m fucking happy, something I’m rarely ever.

“Justine wants to have an Old Lady party,” he says as I start to move out of the office.

“What’s an ‘Old Lady party?’” I ask him confused as fuck.

“Beats the hell out of me, but she wants all the Old Ladies to meet up at a bar or club, hang out, get to know each other.”

“Right now, that’s only four people.” Jennifer is the oldest of the group, she’ll be thirty-four next month. Only two years younger than me. Better than Hangman and Justine, he’s twenty years older than her.

Hangman shrugs. “I say give it to them, let them hang out. We’ll set it up at one of our places so we can keep an eye on them. But wanted to talk to you first, in case you weren’t letting Jennifer out yet.”

I don’t know if Jennifer will be comfortable around the Old Ladies, she’s slept with all their men at some point. I don’t know if those bitches know that, but I doubt it’d go over well. Though from what I know, Dirty has never had her, he wants to try her out, but that asshole will have to earn my woman. I meant what I said before about sharing her.

“It’s not that, it’s just that Jennifer’s fucked us all. Dirty wants her, so how’s that gonna go down?”

“She’s a good bitch, she won’t open her mouth to say shit. It might be awkward for her at first, but she’ll settle in. she needs to get used to her new role.” He’s right, she’s now elevated above everyone in the club, more now than before. She’s on even playing field with Justine, Anara, and Melissa. Though Melissa isn’t really part of the club, she’s just a club princess. Slammer left the club for her years ago, though he’s still somewhat in, in a way.

If Hangman or I aren’t around he’s in charge; he helps when he can, but for the most part, he’s a custom builder with his own business. Slammer will never fully be out of the club, and Melissa knows that. But one thing about Slammer, is that he’s loyal as fuck. Don’t know how he does it, not with all the hot snatch running around here all the time. But something tells me Melissa would kill him if he so much as looked at another woman.

“Fine,” I tell Hangman. “Set it up for this weekend. Give Jennifer a night off.” She’s off today, but she needs another one, and Friday night is the perfect night for her to live a little outside of club business.

Hangman lifts his chin and I take off, out the back and to Wiz and Manic’s lair. They’ve been working at getting everything on Jennifer for me. I know she’ll tell me shit eventually, but I want to see this shit for myself.

“Whatcha got, boys?” I ask them as I shut the warehouse door.

Wiz looks grim, “You might want to take a seat.” Manic kicks a chair towards me and I take it, sitting down and crossing my arms.

“What is it?”

“I’m going to give you what the doctor sent over that checked her out after Trinity and Killer fucked her up.”

I lift my chin, telling him to get on with it.

“How badly do you want more kids, Rage?” Manic blurts out.

Narrowing my eyes, I bark out, “Why?” Everyone knows I’ve been waiting for Jennifer because I want kids with her.

“She can’t have kids, man. It’s bad. She didn’t even know until her visit with doc. Her brother, fuck, what a piece of shit. Beat the hell out of her, causing her to lose two kids. Third kid took her for an abortion, it fucked her up a bit, but she managed to get knocked up for a fourth time, and with that abortion he paid on the low down to have the doctor give Jennifer a hysterectomy. Jennifer was gutted by the news.” Mother fucker.

I stand up, kicking over the chair and roar out in agony.

“She didn’t know?” I rasp out, when Wiz hands me a bottle of Jack. I need to make sure I heard that right. If Jennifer couldn’t have kids because she chose not to is different and she’d be out on her fucking ass. But if she didn’t know, until she came and saw our doctor, then fuck. The pain she must be in when hearing me say I want kids must kill her. I have four kids, I should be happy with that number, and I am. Love my kids to the moon and back, but I wanted at least one with my woman.
