Page 62 of Rage Untamed

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I hold my arms out and let Kara come to me, but Rage holds her back. “Gentle, she just had surgery so you can’t be shoving your face into her chest.” Kara’s mouth wobbles and she nods, coming to me she hugs me gently, barely touching me.

“We’re gonna take care of you, Mama Jen. When you get home, we’re in charge,” Kara says, giving me a wonky smile.

I suddenly yawn and lay back on the bed. “Let’s get outta here, guys, Jennifer needs her rest,” Weston announces to the room and they all agree and head on out.

“I’m gonna get the kids home, but I’ll be back. Hopefully, before you’re discharged tomorrow, we can stop in and see the twins.”

“What about Jordan?”

Rage’s face twists into something ugly. “Don’t worry about her, everything is signed and sealed. Those kids are ours.” He gives me a quick kiss and takes off.

I don’t bother thinking about anything else as sleep takes me.

Chapter Forty-six


After I drop the kidsoff at the house with Weston’s promise to watch them, I head to the clubhouse. What I really want to do is go back to Jennifer but I have shit to take care of first.

“Rage, you ready?” Hangman calls out. And I nod.

“Get me Jackal and Dirty,” I tell him, because I have plans for this bitch, and she’s not gonna die easily. We had doc patch her up and she’s been healing just fine, but now, now this bitch will pay with her life.

“Already sent for them, figured you’d want to use them.”

“After this, if Jackal does what is asked of him, I want him patched in.”

“Got it.” Hangman gives me a nod and follows me out back to our torture cabin. There I see Jordan, dirty and covered in dried blood, crying on the bed. Her leg shackled to the wall.

She sees me and instantly starts sobbing. “You’re going to die now,” I tell her, shrugging off my cut, so it doesn’t get dirty, “but first, torture.”

Dirty and Jackal walk in and take in the scene. “What do you want with us?” Dirty asks.

“Jackal, here, is gonna fuck Jordan, and you’re going to watch. When he’s done let me know so the real fun can begin.” I grin at him and he grins back.

“Can I play, too?” he asks and I nod. I don’t give a fuck what they do to her as long as she doesn’t die yet, because my hand is the hand that will deal the death blow.
